Saturday 15 December 2018

Winter in Vienna (Winterferien in Wien)

Some friends asked me where I am going to spend my Christmas? As I just returned to the UK this November and moved into the city centre, I would like to stay at my new home and keep warm during Christmas. Perhaps a white Christmas is best described as a Christmas season. Image snow falling on Christmas trees and Santa Claus's reindeer pull a sleigh through the night sky. Surely, there are some fun winter outdoor activities; however, facing a biting wind, this chilly weather could make a challenge to travel outdoor.

A picture in Wien Art Gallery

I have had some experiences of travelling in Europe in winter. Of which, the longest journey was in Vienna (German: Wien), Austria in 2015. I recalled that I stepped on snowy pavements, headed to the snowy mountain by taking a local car, and heard the church bells ringing around the city centre. It was freezing cold outside; therefore, visiting museums is a very good idea for a winter trip. 
(The following is the collection of naked trees in Wein city.)
With its glorious history, the Austrian Empire, many museums such as Belvedere Museum, Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien, Sisi Museum are full of important cultural and historical collections. I especially like Sisi Museum—The Imperial Apartments—where houses numerous personal items that once belonged to Elisabeth, an empress of eternal youthfulness and beauty, and is home to a unique collection of the culture of courtly dining in its various forms.

Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien

Quartier21 (exhibitions of contemporary applied arts) 

Belvedere Museum  collecting the famous painting "The Kiss" is my another recommended museum

Sisi Museum (including the following photos)

Although Vienna is an international city, it is a place only favours the German language.

However, the language barrier didn’t bother me anything, and the winter scenes have made the images of Vienna unforgettable.  

By the way, don’t miss Figlmüller-Schnitzel while your stay in Vienna.


些朋友問我要在哪裡過聖誕節,因為我今年11月剛回到英國並搬到市中心,我決定留在新家,在聖誕節期間保暖。也許白色聖誕節是描述聖誕節的完美術語。想像著雪落在聖誕樹上以及聖誕老人的馴鹿拉雪橇穿過夜空. 當然,有一些有趣的冬季戶外活動; 然而,面對著刺骨寒風,這種天氣可能對戶外旅行而言是個挑戰.

我有一些冬天在歐洲旅行的經歷。其中玩最久1次旅程是2015年在奧地利維也納。我記得我踏上了白雪皚皚的人行道,乘坐當地的汽車前往白雪皚皚的山路,聽到教堂鐘聲響徹市中心。 外面很冷,因此,參觀博物館是冬季旅行的一個非常好的主意。

憑藉其輝煌的歷史--奧地利帝國--許多博物館,如Belvedere博物館,維也納藝術史博物館,Sisi博物館帝國的公寓--充滿了重要的文化和歷史收藏品。 我特別喜歡Sisi博物館,裡面有許多曾經屬於伊麗莎白的私人物品,這是一個永恆的青春和美麗的女皇,並且有各種形式的宮廷餐飲文化的獨特收藏品。

雖然維也納是一個國際城市,但它是一個只偏好用德語的地方。 然而,語言障礙並沒有給我帶來任何麻煩,而冬天的場景讓維也納的形象難以忘懷。


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