Saturday 22 December 2018

Are you celebrating Christmas? 🎄🎅

Christmas is approaching!🎄🎅
Why not go to the nearby church and listen to the beautiful Christmas Carols. I have decorated my windows with Christmas lights and fantastic beasts: a deer and a bulldog to greet this most beautiful season of the year.

I currently live nearby York Minister— one of the world's most magnificent cathedrals and has been at the centre of Christianity in the north of England; last Sunday evening, I have attended a special Christmas event that was arranged by ‘Friends International Centre’ leader in York—Mrs Helen Callow, to listen to a mixture of popular Christmas music.

The theme of this evening gathering is 'not to be selfish and caring more about others'. Everyone there seems to be quite touched with the ambience of Christmas and New year wishes, when I left, one man with his family members talked to the church staff, saying ‘there are a few moments I am crying’.

Some may argue that Christians should not ‘celebrate’ Christmas, as the Bible didn't mark the event and did not ask people to celebrate a birthday; therefore, the practice of making the birth of Jesus as a merry day on 25 December has considered as a pagan rite. (Read more on BBC)

🎄However, we all wish ‘Joy to the world!’



我目前居住在約克大教堂附近 - 世界上最宏偉的大教堂之一,並且一直是英格蘭北部的基督教中心,在上週日晚上, 我參加了由約克的“朋友國際中心”負責人 - 海倫·卡洛夫人安排的特別聖誕活動,聽流行的聖誕音樂組曲。

這次活動聚會的主題是“不要自私,要更關心他人”. 在那裡的每個人似乎都對聖誕節和新年願望的氛圍感動不已,當我離開時,一個男人和他的家人一起與教堂工作人員交談,“有些時刻我哭了”。

有些人可能會爭辯說,基督徒不應該“慶祝”聖誕節,因為聖經沒有標記這個事件,也沒有要求人們慶祝生日; 因此,在1225日慶祝耶穌誕生的做法被認為是一種異教徒的儀式。

無論如何, 我們期許'歡樂到世界'!

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