Tuesday 1 January 2019

New Year Resolutions for 2019 ✨殘り全部バケーション

🎊✨We normally have more than one New Year’s Resolution, such as have a better job, lose weight, make more money, improve yourself, while I gradually realize that I am growing old, I have only one resolution for the coming year and the future, that is:

The rest of life is a holiday! (全部バケション剩下的人生都是休假!

Sounds sluggish? No! This phase is borrowed from a book’s title written by 伊坂幸太郎 いさか こうたろう. What he describes is a ridiculous, unexpected, and charming life which is just like my moving trajectory, a sojourner in everywhere over the past ten years, including the UK. Only the first half of my life has been well-planned and settled in a fixed place--my birthplace.

However, a physically and mentally ‘better-off’ lifestyle can be achieved by getting out of the rat-race workload in the first place. Rather than escaping from the real-life, I decide how to spend my life in my own pace.

2019 New Year, we must ‘out with the old and in the with the new’.

我們通常有一個以上的新年決心,比如想有更好的工作,減肥,賺更多的錢,改善自己,而我逐漸意識到我變老了,我來年和未來只有一個志向, 那就是:剩下的人生都是休假全部バケション)。

 聽起來很懶散? 沒有這個句子借鑒了伊坂幸太郎的書名他所描述的是一種荒謬意想不到和迷人的生活就像我的遷移軌跡一樣在過去的十年裡包括英國在內的所有地方我都是個寄居者只有我生命的前半部分已經被精心策劃並定居在一個固定的地方 - 我的出生地


2019年新年, 我們必須“除舊迎新”

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