Saturday 19 January 2019

Winter escape to Italy: Milan (Milano)

Milano: fashion, food, and church
This year’s winter escape is a trip to Southern Europe--taly.
Milano Central Station
I was considering buying a ticket for ‘the last supper’, eventually, I did not. First, I am not a religionist. Second, it is not so intriguing to me since Mona Lisa in Musée du Louvre last year tended to disappoint me a bit. However, I guess ‘the last supper’ will not be so crowded as they only offer limited tickets every day, and thus it accounts for my third reason: the ticket is too expensive compared to other museums. I have checked the ticket price before two months, the available visiting time does not fit me well and the price is going up and up so that I gave up without hesitation.

museo nazionale della scienza e dellavedova 
Porta Sempione: Chariot of Peace established in Napoleone era
SO, what are the key highlights for my trip to Milano? 
Scopri iL Castello

Pizza experience🍪
There are too many iconic Italian dishes and must-try Italian foods, which have gained international fame. And when I went there, I soon realised that a typical authentic Italian pizza dough is thin and crispy, unlike the one I ate in Taiwan (many people in Taiwan may prefer to order a thick one). When the restaurant served the pizza for me, I thought it was too big to finish, but eventually, I took a bite, chewed and swallowed the whole. It was a bit salty but was very delicious with a soft drink.

Cool and Fashion style
When I told one of my male friends in Taiwan that I was travelling alone in Italy, he responded that ‘It was too dangerous for you to travel alone there!’. He said ‘Italian men are too handsome’. Well, I don’t know much about Italian men but I know the famous cool guy - ‘Godfather’ from the movie. But since he said so, I started to notice women and men on the streets. Truly enough, I have witnessed their personal wearing style, colour, and design through a street snap. That was very charming! And even a homeless person has its own colour rule! (I am in Milano!!) Also, I guess they also love to exercise in order to keep fit to wear something fashionable as I saw many people were jogging in the park.

Duomo di Milano

This is a must-see in the world—Milan Cathedral, the largest church in Italy, the third largest in Europe and the fourth largest in the world. I believe that if you stay or travel in Europe for a while, you would be familiar with Christian churches, Milan Cathedral still surprised my eyes for its magnificence, which took more than 500 years to finish the structure. I stood around the square more than 30 minutes and came back at night to appreciate its breath-holding beauty.

This church is surrounded by shopping stores, of which the most famous shopping mall: Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, a big collection of flagship stores of many world brands. 

Surely, I didn’t forget to step on the Bull’s Balls in Milan, wishing for a good luck. What kind of wish I made? If it comes true, I shall share in my blog in the future.  

冬季之旅: 米蘭

我正在考慮為“最後的晚餐”買票,最終,我沒有。 首先,我不是宗教信徒。 第二,它對我來說並不那麼有趣,因為去年盧浮宮博物館的蒙娜麗莎往往會讓我失望一點。 然而,我猜“最後的晚餐”不會那麼擁擠,因為他們每天只提供有限的門票,因此它解釋了我的第三個原因:與其他博物館相比,門票太貴了。 我已經查了兩個月之前的門票價格,有空額的訪問時間不適合我,價格也在上漲,所以我毫不猶豫地放棄了。
所以, 我在米蘭旅行的主要亮點是什麼?


當我告訴我在台灣的一位男性朋友,我獨自一人在義大利旅行時,他回答說:“你在那裡單獨旅行太危險了!”他說'義大利男人太帥了'。嗯,我是不太了解義大利男人,但我知道1個著名的酷男 - 電影中的'教父'。但自從他這樣說以後,我就開始注意到街上的女人和男人。真的也,我透過街頭拍攝見證了他們的個人穿著風格,顏色和設計。那真是太迷人了! 甚至一個無家可歸的人也有自己的顏色規則! 我真的是在米蘭!還有, 我想他們也喜歡運動,以能穿著時髦的衣著,因為我看到很多人在公園裡慢跑。

Duomo di Milano
這是世上必看的 - 米蘭大教堂,義大利最大的教堂,歐洲第三大教堂和世界第四大教堂。我相信,如果你在歐洲停留或旅行一段時間,你會熟悉基督教教堂,但米蘭大教堂仍然讓我的眼睛驚嘆於它的輝煌,這花了500多年才完成的結構。我站在廣場上超過30分鐘,晚上又回來欣賞它令人屏息的美麗。這個教堂周圍有購物商店,其中最著名的購物中心是:Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II,這裡集結許多世界品牌的大型旗艦店。當然,我沒有忘記去踩米蘭的公牛" 重要部位 ",它能帶來好運。我做了什麼樣的願望?如果它成真,我將在以後分享我的部落格。

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