Thursday 24 January 2019

Winter escape to Italy: Venice (1)

Two books have impacts on my winter trip to Venice.

One is ‘Novelist travel’ written by Mishima YukioHe was a famous Japanese author, poet, playwright, actor and film director. He is also considered as a controversial nationalist hated by the left-wing and finally ended up his life with the committing suicide.
In his book, he mentioned that he was rolling out his new film scripts in London and waiting for a cooperation opportunity with local actors; therefore, he spent some time travelling in Europe. From the perspective of a poet, Venice’s winter stay has inscribed into his unique travelling experiences.

In February, Venice's Carnevale is a European highlight; the hustling and bustling city attracts tourists from all over the world, as well as in the summer season. However, Mishima Yukio’s winter trip to Venice was not for such a buzzing festival.
I considered his suggestion and then visited Venice in January. There is no need to elbow my way through the huge crowd, winter perhaps is the best time to view the true face of Venice: a city living on the water. 

The complex and beautiful image of a water city. Some areas are filled with desolation and silence, and some are quiescent and sorrowful. However, all of these have combined with commercial activities which brought by tourists.

At the end of this blog, I choose this poem (song) written by William Shakespeare to commemorate Mishima Yukio—a very genuine hero who is very honest to himself.  

Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Wind
By William Shakespeare
Blow, blow, thou winter wind,
Thou art not so unkind
As man's ingratitude;
Thy tooth is not so keen
Because thou art not seen,
Although thy breath be rude.
Heigh-ho! sing heigh-ho! unto the green holly:
Most friendship is feigning, most loving mere folly:
Then, heigh-ho! the holly!
This life is most jolly.
Freeze, freeze, thou bitter sky,
Thou dost not bite so nigh
As benefits forgot:
Though thou the waters warp,
Thy sting is not so sharp
As friend remember'd not.
Heigh-ho! sing heigh-ho! unto the green holly:
Most friendship is feigning, most loving mere folly:
Then, heigh-ho! the holly!
This life is most jolly.

冬季之旅義大利: 威尼斯

2月,威尼斯的嘉年華節是歐洲的亮點;熙熙攘攘的城市吸引著來自世界各地的遊客, 夏季也是旅行旺季。但是三島由紀夫的冬季威尼斯之旅不是為了這樣一個熱鬧的節日。在他的書中,他提到他正在倫敦推出他的新電影劇本,在等待和當地演員合作的機會, 所以他花了一些時間在歐洲旅行。從詩人的角度來看,威尼斯的冬季停留銘刻入他獨特的旅行體驗。

我參考了他的建議,然後在1月份去了威尼斯,不需要擠在一大堆人群中穿過街道,冬天也許是觀看威尼斯真面目的最佳時間:一個生活在水上的城市。水城的複雜形象。水城的美麗及複雜形象。 有些地方充滿了荒涼和沈默,有些地區則充滿了寧靜和悲傷。然而,所有這些都已與遊客帶來的商業活動相結合了

最後, 我選擇用威廉·莎士比亞的這首詩來紀念三島由紀夫,他是一位對自己非常誠實的真英雄。

中 文 歌 詞



樂 曲 解 說

這首歌出自莎翁喜劇《如願》(As You Like It)第二幕,第七景。遭放逐的公爵與隨侍在側的一群人在阿登林地 (Forest of Arden)過著田園式的快樂生活。當公爵聽完了傑開斯(Jaques)講完了「人生是個舞台」 (All the world's a stage)的哲學後,邀請哀米安斯唱歌。於是他便唱了這樣一首歌來。

這首歌分兩節,前一節由冬風的呼聲聯想到人之忘恩負義,不管寒風吹得怎樣厲害也不如人之忘恩負義那樣容易刺傷人心,並且把它比喻成兇惡猛獸的利齒:"Thy tooth art not so keen"。第二節以冰凍為主題描述冰凍之寒冷仍不若忘恩負義那樣容易刺傷人心,並且把它比喻成螯人毒蟲之利刺:"Thy sting is not so sharp"。

以下文字摘自: 三島由紀夫[小說家的旅行]

Wednesday 23 January 2019

Winter escape to Italy: Venice (2)

In my last blog, regarding another book that influenced my Italy trip is ‘Classic Forms’: A Source Book for Architects, Designers, Turners and Craftspeople. The author Stuart E Dyas, currently lives in York, always shows his wisdom and patience in conversation with me. Interestingly, he has something related to Taiwan, that is, his son once worked in Taipei (the capital city).
The author: Stuart E Dyas
He took thousands of photos of Venice and there are about 90 drawings of balusters in his book. According to Mr Dyas, ‘In Venice, the classical style can be seen in Renaissance architecture. […] The other styles in Venice are Gothic and Bizantine, which look quite different.’

Thanks to him and his book—it was a pretty prelude to travel to Italy. I then spent my journey with an aesthetic view. In many ways, Italy indeed offers a good arena for people doing art and architecture research. 

Many churches in Venice
Mr Dyas studied visual forms from many artefacts including columns, pedestals, vases, balusters, basins, tables, candlesticks & lamps, stair rails, table & chair legs., etc.   
Apart from that, he also studies oriental pottery such as ’meiping’ (梅瓶). When he unexpectedly spoke that word in Chinese; I embarrassingly cannot understand what he said so that I asked him to repeat again and again, and finally, we find the vase on google.
This reminds me that we all need some skills in communicating with a foreigner. The example above was not because of his accent (actually he pronounced it well), but due to my lack of knowledge of ‘Meiping’.

The same thing sometimes happened to me: talking something that even locals don’t understand. For example, when I used the term 'chum'. In fact, I learned it from a native but a British young girl told me that they don' t use that at all, so you can imagine how the usage of English could differ in the ethnic, area, age and class. I think this situation can be improved if using alternative words or adding more information and contexts to help illustrate the whole meaning.
However, Venice is the starting point where I learn to appreciate vase-related ideas and designs.

冬季之旅義大利: 威尼斯2

在我上一篇博客中,關於另一本影響我義大利之行的書是“經典形式”:建築師,設計師,車工和工匠的資料書。作者Stuart E Dyas,目前居住在約克,在與我的每次談話中總是表現出他的智慧和耐心,有趣的是,他有一些與台灣有關的事,就是他的兒子曾在台北--台灣首都工作過。

他拍了數千張威尼斯照片,書中有大約90幅欄杆畫。 根據Dyas先生的說法,“在威尼斯,文藝復興時期的建築可以看到古典風格。[...]威尼斯的其他風格是哥特式和比斯坦式,看起來則完全不同。

由於他及他的書 - 這是前往義大利的一個很好的前奏,接著我便以美學觀點展開了我的旅程。在許多方面,義大利確實為進行藝術和建築研究的人們提供了良好的舞台。像Dyas先生的研究包括柱子,基座,花瓶,欄杆,盆,桌子,燭台和燈具,樓梯扶手,桌椅和椅子等各種文物中的視覺形式。





Saturday 19 January 2019

Winter escape to Italy: Milan (Milano)

Milano: fashion, food, and church
This year’s winter escape is a trip to Southern Europe--taly.
Milano Central Station
I was considering buying a ticket for ‘the last supper’, eventually, I did not. First, I am not a religionist. Second, it is not so intriguing to me since Mona Lisa in Musée du Louvre last year tended to disappoint me a bit. However, I guess ‘the last supper’ will not be so crowded as they only offer limited tickets every day, and thus it accounts for my third reason: the ticket is too expensive compared to other museums. I have checked the ticket price before two months, the available visiting time does not fit me well and the price is going up and up so that I gave up without hesitation.

museo nazionale della scienza e dellavedova 
Porta Sempione: Chariot of Peace established in Napoleone era
SO, what are the key highlights for my trip to Milano? 
Scopri iL Castello

Pizza experience🍪
There are too many iconic Italian dishes and must-try Italian foods, which have gained international fame. And when I went there, I soon realised that a typical authentic Italian pizza dough is thin and crispy, unlike the one I ate in Taiwan (many people in Taiwan may prefer to order a thick one). When the restaurant served the pizza for me, I thought it was too big to finish, but eventually, I took a bite, chewed and swallowed the whole. It was a bit salty but was very delicious with a soft drink.

Cool and Fashion style
When I told one of my male friends in Taiwan that I was travelling alone in Italy, he responded that ‘It was too dangerous for you to travel alone there!’. He said ‘Italian men are too handsome’. Well, I don’t know much about Italian men but I know the famous cool guy - ‘Godfather’ from the movie. But since he said so, I started to notice women and men on the streets. Truly enough, I have witnessed their personal wearing style, colour, and design through a street snap. That was very charming! And even a homeless person has its own colour rule! (I am in Milano!!) Also, I guess they also love to exercise in order to keep fit to wear something fashionable as I saw many people were jogging in the park.

Duomo di Milano

This is a must-see in the world—Milan Cathedral, the largest church in Italy, the third largest in Europe and the fourth largest in the world. I believe that if you stay or travel in Europe for a while, you would be familiar with Christian churches, Milan Cathedral still surprised my eyes for its magnificence, which took more than 500 years to finish the structure. I stood around the square more than 30 minutes and came back at night to appreciate its breath-holding beauty.

This church is surrounded by shopping stores, of which the most famous shopping mall: Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, a big collection of flagship stores of many world brands. 

Surely, I didn’t forget to step on the Bull’s Balls in Milan, wishing for a good luck. What kind of wish I made? If it comes true, I shall share in my blog in the future.  

冬季之旅: 米蘭

我正在考慮為“最後的晚餐”買票,最終,我沒有。 首先,我不是宗教信徒。 第二,它對我來說並不那麼有趣,因為去年盧浮宮博物館的蒙娜麗莎往往會讓我失望一點。 然而,我猜“最後的晚餐”不會那麼擁擠,因為他們每天只提供有限的門票,因此它解釋了我的第三個原因:與其他博物館相比,門票太貴了。 我已經查了兩個月之前的門票價格,有空額的訪問時間不適合我,價格也在上漲,所以我毫不猶豫地放棄了。
所以, 我在米蘭旅行的主要亮點是什麼?


當我告訴我在台灣的一位男性朋友,我獨自一人在義大利旅行時,他回答說:“你在那裡單獨旅行太危險了!”他說'義大利男人太帥了'。嗯,我是不太了解義大利男人,但我知道1個著名的酷男 - 電影中的'教父'。但自從他這樣說以後,我就開始注意到街上的女人和男人。真的也,我透過街頭拍攝見證了他們的個人穿著風格,顏色和設計。那真是太迷人了! 甚至一個無家可歸的人也有自己的顏色規則! 我真的是在米蘭!還有, 我想他們也喜歡運動,以能穿著時髦的衣著,因為我看到很多人在公園裡慢跑。

Duomo di Milano
這是世上必看的 - 米蘭大教堂,義大利最大的教堂,歐洲第三大教堂和世界第四大教堂。我相信,如果你在歐洲停留或旅行一段時間,你會熟悉基督教教堂,但米蘭大教堂仍然讓我的眼睛驚嘆於它的輝煌,這花了500多年才完成的結構。我站在廣場上超過30分鐘,晚上又回來欣賞它令人屏息的美麗。這個教堂周圍有購物商店,其中最著名的購物中心是:Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II,這裡集結許多世界品牌的大型旗艦店。當然,我沒有忘記去踩米蘭的公牛" 重要部位 ",它能帶來好運。我做了什麼樣的願望?如果它成真,我將在以後分享我的部落格。

Tuesday 1 January 2019

New Year Resolutions for 2019 ✨殘り全部バケーション

🎊✨We normally have more than one New Year’s Resolution, such as have a better job, lose weight, make more money, improve yourself, while I gradually realize that I am growing old, I have only one resolution for the coming year and the future, that is:

The rest of life is a holiday! (全部バケション剩下的人生都是休假!

Sounds sluggish? No! This phase is borrowed from a book’s title written by 伊坂幸太郎 いさか こうたろう. What he describes is a ridiculous, unexpected, and charming life which is just like my moving trajectory, a sojourner in everywhere over the past ten years, including the UK. Only the first half of my life has been well-planned and settled in a fixed place--my birthplace.

However, a physically and mentally ‘better-off’ lifestyle can be achieved by getting out of the rat-race workload in the first place. Rather than escaping from the real-life, I decide how to spend my life in my own pace.

2019 New Year, we must ‘out with the old and in the with the new’.

我們通常有一個以上的新年決心,比如想有更好的工作,減肥,賺更多的錢,改善自己,而我逐漸意識到我變老了,我來年和未來只有一個志向, 那就是:剩下的人生都是休假全部バケション)。

 聽起來很懶散? 沒有這個句子借鑒了伊坂幸太郎的書名他所描述的是一種荒謬意想不到和迷人的生活就像我的遷移軌跡一樣在過去的十年裡包括英國在內的所有地方我都是個寄居者只有我生命的前半部分已經被精心策劃並定居在一個固定的地方 - 我的出生地


2019年新年, 我們必須“除舊迎新”