Sunday 26 May 2019

Art as a form of life in Edinburgh🌼

I bought a day bus ticket to explore around the south of Edinburgh. The place I lived near Juniper Green (a historical mill village) & Colinton (a historic conservation village) where have some walking paths along the road full of green spaces.  There is no high-rising building to block the view of the sunny sky. 

While waiting for the bus to Mortonhall, I encountered one local who was nice to me. We began the conversation by his telling me, 'I am afraid your bus will be delayed and it happened normally on Friday afternoon.', a sincere face and a caring tone.

I smilingly told him my destination and the bus I was waiting, then he used Google map from his smartphone to show me possible choices. But he did not know the place where I was heading for, admitting that 'I am new here'. I then told him, 'the houses here are very beautiful, do you think this is a posh area?' He answered me 'yes' and he told me he did not live here but another side of the area.

Indeed, the bus I wanted to take delayed for 45 minutes so I decided to take another one and to transfer twice to my destination. 

Likewise, when I was waiting for my bus to return my place from Mortonhall, an old gentleman next to me turned his head to ask me, 'aren't you going to take this bus?' again, with a sincere face and a caring tone, before his hopping on the bus. I shook my head to wait for the next. But I was wrong, actually the next bus No. 400 run the same route. I did not take the early one is simply because of unfamiliarity as the bus colour seemed a bit different.

Both of them are so polite enough without asking like 'where are you going'; instead, they ask me 'which bus you want to take?' or 'aren't you going to take this bus?' to ensure that I know what I am doing or am going to. I can tell they are trying to help, worrying I will get lost in the countryside, while at the same time respect my privacy.

My smartphone battery was running out when I hopped on the bus. I told the bus driver will this bus pass 'Cross Road' --a significant highway-- which I can remember as a mark to go home.  'Yes' said he with a friendly smile, and nicely reminded me to get off when the bus near the place. 

Around Gillespie Road—the posh area as the local gentleman confirmed—I hopped off the bus to walk along the way to return my place and to appreciate every unique house built along the road. 

The interaction with the local people and the beautiful houses within this area constitute a luxury bus trip I have experienced!





同樣地,當我在等我的公共汽車從莫頓霍爾莊園回到我的地方時,我旁邊的一位老先生在他乘坐公共汽車之前,帶著誠摯的面孔和關懷的語氣,   轉過頭問我,“你不打算坐這輛公共汽車嗎?”。我搖搖頭等待下一班。但我錯了,實際上下一班400號公路也是同一條路線。我沒有搭前1班只是因為不熟悉,因為公車顏色似乎有點不同。


當我跳上公共汽車時,我的手機電池電量耗盡。 我問公車司機,“這輛公車會過'Cross Road''嗎?  - 一條重要的高速公路 - 我記得它是回家的標誌。 “是的”他帶著友好的微笑說道,並且很好地提醒我在那附近的公共汽車站下車。在吉爾斯皮路(Gillespie Road)周圍 - 當地紳士確認的豪華區 - 我從公共汽車上下來,一路走來回到我的地方,並欣賞著沿路每座獨特建造的房屋。


Mortonhall estate, Southern Edinburgh 🌳

I spent a lot of time watching highland cattle eating, sleeping and even making a poo. I was hoping to see more so I continued to walk into the Mortonhall estate in search of any sign of animals. 

Mortonhall is a privately owned working estate and has developed a network of several paths. Its history can be traced back to 1640 when the Trotter family bought it. It was once a family house until 1939 when it was taken over as an army camp to train the Royal engineers.

Nowadays, it has turned into a commercial and farming enterprise, including a mysterious walking path, a camping space, and a garden for the public to enjoy the pretty countryside life. 

Forgetting to look for cattle, I was so obsessed with the forest.

我花了很多時間看高地牛吃飯,睡覺甚至做便便。 我希望看到更多,所以我繼續走進莫頓霍爾莊園,尋找動物的跡象。

Mortonhall是一家私人擁有的工作區,並建立了一個路徑網絡。 它的歷史可以追溯到1640年,當時Trotter家族買下它。 它曾經是一個家庭住宅,直到1939年被接管為一個訓練皇家工程師的軍營。

現在它已經變成了一個商業和農業企業,包括一條神秘的步行道,一個露營空間,以及一個讓公眾享受美麗鄉村生活的花園。 忘記尋找牛,我對森林如此著迷。

Scottish Highland cattle (Hairy Coos)🐂

Last month I visited Cramond Beach in the north-west of Edinburgh. On my way to there, I saw a group of the Scottish Blackface on the field. It was an amazing creature! Another iconic animal in Scotland - highland cattle - also attracted my eyes when the cattle toys are displayed in the shop window. Therefore, this month, I decided to visit Edinburgh again. A two-day trip that allowed me to explore the southern edge of Edinburgh and to see Highland cattle.

Before starting my trip, I got the information that Highland cattle look wild outside but are afraid of people, probably most of them have been domesticated over decades; however, I don’t plan to bother the nature beauty too much and I decide to keep a proper distance when I find them. 

I checked in a very interesting countryside flat, where they offer me different types of drinks, including one can of Scottish national drink, a little bottle of Charlemagne, an Evian water, tea bags and coffee powders with a bottle of caramel syrup, and cookie and cake already on the table and the bed. A warm and pretty welcome; however, the host told me that there will be a quiz night in the pub downstairs, and in turn, it became an annoying noise until midnight. Under such a circumstance, maybe I should go for a drink with them as the local people do.

Apart from that, everything was good. A local friend introduced me to go to Mortonhall Centre Garden to see Highland cattle🐂🐂, and I made it. I saw them nearby the way to Mortonhall Estate.

I kept my promise to keep a safe distance to observe how they ate grass. The long hair covering the face makes them look like eating while sleeping. Later, one stood up from the grass and "poo poo" in front of me. Just watch them can be so healing! The wild hairy animals can melt even stone and cold hearts.

上個月我去了愛丁堡西北部的Cramond海灘。在去那裡的路上,我看到了一群蘇格蘭黑臉羊。真是美好的動物!另一個蘇格蘭標誌性的動物 - 高地牛 - 當商店櫥窗裡展示牛玩具時,也吸引了我的目光。因此,這個月,我決定再次訪問愛丁堡,這是一個為期兩天的旅行,讓我可以探索愛丁堡的南邊並看到高地牛。



除此之外,一切都很好。一位當地的朋友介紹我去莫頓霍爾中心花園看高地牛,我就辦到了。我在前往Mortonhall Estate的路上看到了他們。我信守承諾,保持安全距離,觀察他們如何吃草。遮住臉部的長毛讓他們看起來好像睡覺時在吃東西。後來,有一個隻從草地上站起來,還在我面前“便便”。光是看著他們可以就很療癒!野生毛茸茸的動物甚至可以融化石頭般冷酷的心。