Sunday 26 May 2019

Mortonhall estate, Southern Edinburgh 🌳

I spent a lot of time watching highland cattle eating, sleeping and even making a poo. I was hoping to see more so I continued to walk into the Mortonhall estate in search of any sign of animals. 

Mortonhall is a privately owned working estate and has developed a network of several paths. Its history can be traced back to 1640 when the Trotter family bought it. It was once a family house until 1939 when it was taken over as an army camp to train the Royal engineers.

Nowadays, it has turned into a commercial and farming enterprise, including a mysterious walking path, a camping space, and a garden for the public to enjoy the pretty countryside life. 

Forgetting to look for cattle, I was so obsessed with the forest.

我花了很多時間看高地牛吃飯,睡覺甚至做便便。 我希望看到更多,所以我繼續走進莫頓霍爾莊園,尋找動物的跡象。

Mortonhall是一家私人擁有的工作區,並建立了一個路徑網絡。 它的歷史可以追溯到1640年,當時Trotter家族買下它。 它曾經是一個家庭住宅,直到1939年被接管為一個訓練皇家工程師的軍營。

現在它已經變成了一個商業和農業企業,包括一條神秘的步行道,一個露營空間,以及一個讓公眾享受美麗鄉村生活的花園。 忘記尋找牛,我對森林如此著迷。

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