Sunday 5 April 2020

Seed Planting at Home during Lockdown🌱

29 Mar 2020 - Daylight Saving Time started, which means that the British summer is approaching. It would be quite tempting to go outside for fresh air. Nevertheless, some are suffering from COVID-19, this battle of anti-virus is still going on, we should try to make a conscious effort to stay at home. Moreover, scientists have confirmed that a person can carry and transmit COVID-19 without showing symptoms; therefore, your move could be a risk to yourself and others.

Since 23 March, 'stay at home' policy has been practiced for a while. However, the number of people died from COVID-19 in the UK has reported 563, 569, 684, 708 in the last four days. Being a country that pays attention to personal freedom and human rights, the UK government doesn’t really practice a lockdown policy, we still enjoy the freedom to go out for exercise, purchasing essential food and medicine.

We have food, water, electric power, and internet service at home. It would be comfortable to enjoy some simple joys such as seed-planting at a jar, watch movies, and get on with some unfinished housework like self-painting windows are all good choices. Self-isolation is a significant moral behaviour right now —keep safe and healthy for you and others, avoid any burden on NHS workers. 

Earlier these days, I planted avocado seeds to create a ‘growing area’ as an indoor garden in my room. The original idea I chose avocado is just because the seed size is bigger than others, assuming that it should be easier to grow. Maybe I am wrong as this pear-shaped tropical fruit, although involving a single large seed, seems to be not suitable to grow in a colder temperature area.

However, it is a good experiment. I did follow some tips from seed-planting experts’ online instructions, cleaning—soaking for weeks, watering and changing freshwater for them every day. I tried to put one seed in a small jar, allowing the seeds to grow without interfering with one another, and when I saw one of the seeds split with the hope of sprouting, I quickly moved it to a bigger jar to sow the seed with holes at the bottom.

As a result, only one of seven seeds in the seed-planting project made it, the total rate of sprout is 14%. Interesting! I will try other kinds of seeds in the following week.

05, April, 2020
12, April, 2020
Time flies, this is the photo on 3 May 2020. 

2020329-夏令時開始,這意味著英國夏季來臨了。 到外面去呼吸新鮮空氣是很誘人的。 儘管如此,有些人正遭受著COVID-19之苦,這場抗病毒之戰仍在繼續,我們應該有良知地努力留在家裡。而且,科學家已經證實,一個人可以攜帶和傳播COVID-19而不會出現症狀。 因此,您的舉動可能會給您自己和他人帶來風險。

323日之後,實行“待在家裡”政策已有一段時間。 然而,在英國死於COVID-19的人數在最近四天內報告了563569684708 作為一個關注個人自由和人權的國家,英國政府並未真正實行封鎖政策,我們仍然享有外出運動,購買必需食品和藥品的自由。

我們在家有食物,水,電和網路服務可享受一些簡單的快樂,例如在罐子裡種種植種子,看電影,並繼續做一些未完成的家事, 如自己上漆窗戶,都是不錯的選擇。 自我隔離目前是一種重要的道德行為-為您和他人保持安全健康,避免對NHS員工造成任何負擔。

在這時候稍早時, 我種植鱷梨種子,在自己的房間裡創建了一個“種植區”,作為室內花園。我原本選擇鱷梨的想法只是因為種子大小要比其他種子大,所以認為應該更容易種植。也許我是錯的,因為這種梨形的熱帶水果雖然包含一個大種子,但似乎不適合在較冷的溫度範圍內種植。


結果,在種子種植項目中只有7粒種子中的1顆做到了,總發芽率為14%。 有趣!

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