Saturday 25 April 2020

Rock Paintings in Forest🌲🎨

Richard Florida, an American urban studies theorist, thinks that quality of place lies in ‘the combination of the built environment and the natural environment’, and creative people 'also want to have a hand in actively shaping their communities' quality of place' (Florida, 2014, p.281. The rise of the creative class). Do you agree with him? 
This week, I just found a little surprise of creative ideas in this small forest route.

It’s another round of UK’s lockdown to avoid the spreading of COVID-19. People are allowed to go out to purchase food, medicine and daily exercise. On my way to the supermarket, I like to duck into a green walking route to enjoy the flora and fauna around Campus East so that I can combine food shopping with exercise and relaxing, especially listening bird-singing. 

Since lockdown, there has been a nuanced difference in the lush, green and otherworldly windmill woods. 

Just like a welcoming hello, an unknown painter designed a treasure hunt with a series of stone paintings of wildlife and nice words, making this smallish forest route a bit colourful and exciting. 

 Let’s search local species: 



On the other side of the entry of the forest trail, the artist is expressing thank-you for key workers' contributions during COVID-19. I bet that the artist has a soft heart behind these beautiful masterpieces.

I had strolling fun here and in fact, art itself has its power of healing, connecting our body and soul, which is a good way of promoting health. With these touching moments brought by rock paintings, not only key workers but also the artist are caring for our life.
Now you can turn up the speaker and click to explore the forest route and immerse yourself into bird-singing.😎 Keep fighting!

美國城市研究理論家Richard Florida認為,`環境品質即追求具創造力的生活的合適環境,是取決於建築環境與自然環境的結合, 而且有創造力的人也想積極型塑他們社區的地方品質(FloridaR.2014p.281 創意階層的崛起). 你同意嗎? 







我在森林裡漫步得很開心,實際上,藝術具有治癒的能力,可以連接我們的身體和靈魂,這是促進健康的好方法。 借助石頭畫帶來的這些感動時刻,不僅重要工作人員而且連畫家都是正在關懷我們的生活。


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