Monday 4 May 2020

Online trip to Okinawa

During the coronavirus hit, there are some countries are not in lockdown in East Asia, such as Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea. While the UK Government is managing to increase the number of Covid-19 tests, Japan is still only testing people who are already quite sick as the earlier UK strategy.
Cultural Performances, 2014 Okinawa trip 

However, this week is Japan’s Golden Week Holidays and the weather is expected to be sunny. Okinawa is one of the most popular destinations to travel in Japan, and the local government has reported that about 60,000 people have booked flights to visit the island for vacation.

A very popular local pizza restaurant, 2014 Okinawa trip
While the Tainan City Mayor is complaining that the central Taiwanese government has overstated the spreading risk of COVID-19 threat which undermines local tourism and economic prospects, in Japan, Governor Denny Tamaki is pleading with tourists to stay away from Okinawa.

On Japan Today, he announces, " I am sorry to tell you this but Okinawa is under a state of emergency. There is no way we can provide the very best ‘omotenashi’ (hospitality)."

Yes! Okinawa is asking 60,000 booked travelers to cancel their trips!
This reminds me I once travelled to Okinawa. The aquarium, beautiful beaches, and mountains…and the most unique and interesting experience during my journey was a self-drive road trip on Okinawa island.
The aquarium, my favourite, 2014 Okinawa trip

It is relatively safe, easy, and leisurely for female tourists, suitable for families or couples alike, to self-drive from one beautiful blue ocean one location to the next.

But if we cannot enjoy all the whole Okinawa, we better go next time as there are more than beautiful beaches and mountains things in Okinawa for tourist to enjoy, real interactions with local people and indulging in delicious food and beer are the crucial part of the best travelling memories. 

Shabushabu しゃぶしゃぶ, 2014 Okinawa trip

Since Governor Denny Tamaki is asking tourists not to go due to the epidemic, why not try an Okinawa online tour first and have more time to plan your next trip.
Pineapple flours, 2014 Okinawa trip


Please keep Okinawa safe, and keep personal health.  



在冠狀病毒襲擊期間,東亞有一些國家沒有受到封鎖,例如台灣,日本和韓國。 儘管英國政府設法增加Covid-19的檢測數量,但日本仍僅像先前的英國策略那樣只檢測已經病重的人。


在台灣的台南市市長抱怨台灣中央政府太高調COVID-19威脅的擴散風險,而破壞了當地的旅遊業和經濟前景時,在日本,知事Denny Tamaki正懇求遊客遠離沖繩。

他在社交媒體Japan Today上宣布:“很抱歉告訴您,但是沖繩正處於緊急狀態。我們無法提供最好的'omotenashi'(熱情好客)。”

是的! 沖繩要求6萬名預訂的旅客取消旅行。


但是,如果我們不能享受整個沖繩,那麼我們最好下次再去,因為沖繩不僅有美麗的海灘和山脈供遊客欣賞,與當地人的真實互動和沈迷於美味的食物是留下美好回憶的關鍵部分。由於知事Denny Tamaki要求遊客疫情期間不要前往,何不先來個沖繩網路旅遊並多一些時間來計畫下次旅行。


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