Saturday 30 May 2020

Celebrating winning the photography competition: for bird watching lover 🐥

🐥Today’s blog is to celebrate my winning second place in the 2020 university photography competition with the theme of 'wildlife' surrounding York Campus East, where is an organic lakeside area full of lush trees and diverse hidden wild animals.
It's my first time to attend such a contest, and I am just an amateur photographer but a 100% nature lover. Given that wildfowl are nesting and breeding between March and September, this contest is held in chilly winter. 

Although this competition is mainly designed for the amateur; winning out from 150 photos was not without any efforts. I actually sent several animal photos to enter the contest, including ducks, hares, swans, birds; as a result (check this link), the review panel chose this bird as the second place—an unexpected joy—as I thought they could favour the hare in the jungle.

In fact, bird watching is already one of the most popular leisure activities in Europe and the United States. Among them, the British style is the most popular. In 2004, the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) already pointed out that there were 2.7 million bird-watching trips to the reserve every year, far more than 1.2 million fishing trips. Tim Hunnable, ex-Commercial Manager Nikon UK, once told the journalist, 'The British are crazy about bird watching' so that cameras, telescopes are all essential materials for the bird-watching trip. 

With this joy, I would like to share more about bird-watching in Taiwan. First, I introduced two nice online papers written by foreigners, which shared their real experiences in Taiwan; and second, I introduce one of my Taiwanese friends' bird-watching photos, which really inspire my inner passion to take the winning photo! 

Enjoy bird-watching now!

🐦Photoed by Mr. Jim Yeh in Taiwan: 
Oriolus Traillii (Endemic Subspecies in Taiwan)  photoed by Mr. Jim Yeh

Black Naped Blue Monarch (Endemic Subspecies in Taiwan) photoed by Mr. Jim Yeh  

Black Drongo (Endemic Subspecies in Taiwan) photoed by Mr. Jim Yeh
Accipiter Trivirgatus (Endemic Subspecies in Taiwan) photoed by Mr. Jim Yeh

JapaneseWhiteEye with Pongamia (photoed by Mr. Jim Yeh)



實際上,觀鳥已經是歐洲和美國最受歡迎的休閒活動之一。其中,英式風格最受歡迎。 2004年,英國皇家鳥類保護協會(RSPB)就指出,保護區每年有270萬觀鳥之旅,遠遠超過120萬釣魚之旅。Nikon英國前商業經理Tim Hunnable曾對記者說:“英國人為觀鳥而瘋狂”,因此照相機,望遠鏡都是觀鳥之旅的必備材料。



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