Saturday 24 October 2020

Black History Month

October marks Black History Month, which was officially recognized by the US government in 1976, and first celebrated in the UK in 1987. This Octorber is especially significant against the backdrop of global campaigns--Black Lives Matter, which revealed the uncovering truth of racism and inequality in the developed Western world. Up to date, there is still a long way to go for the equality of opportunity for all and to cherish the ethnic diversity and to establish a safe, inclusive and welcoming environment for all the creatures. 

In the UK, the term Black British people are referred to British citizens of either African descent or of Black African-Caribbean (sometimes called "Afro-Caribbean") background. For this Black History Month, I herein share several old photos of my trip to South Africa many years ago. Travelling to South Africa where has fresh air and wonderful nature has become a very memorable experience in my very young age. That was an unexpected overseas travel, partly because of the travelling cost is relatively high, partly due to unfamiliarity to Africa; however, it was fulfilled as a result of my high shoolmate’s invitation. However, after that trip, my friend and I did not talk to each other anymore. That is another story...friendship was ruined during a long trip.

South Africa is featured by many rich and natural resources, including golds and diamonds that you cannot see in other continents. My 11-day trip to South Africa was expensive but quite marvelous, ranging from the luxury Sun City Hotel, grape wine event, sky gondola to Table Mountain, Cape of Good Hope, traditional Africa village shows and cuisine, modern shopping mall-Georgetown, exploring diamond mine and factory to Big Five quasi-Safari trip. In these tours, you still can feel and observe the British post-colonial power remain in this land. For example, De Beers diamond factory and store is just next to the huge mine! 


十月是“黑人歷史月”,這是美國政府於1976年正式官方承認的,並於1987年在英國首次慶祝。這個十月在全球倡議運動的背景下尤其重要-珍視黑人生命,揭示了西方發達國家的種族主義和不平等的真相. 迄今為止,要實現所有人的機會均等並珍惜種族多樣性並為所有生物建立一個安全,包容和熱情的環境,還有很長的路要走。

在英國,“黑人英國人”一詞是指具有非洲血統或黑人非洲-加勒比(有時稱為“非洲-加勒比”)背景的英國公民。 在這個黑人歷史月中,我在這裡分享了多年前我去南非旅行的一些照片。 到南非呼吸新鮮空氣,享受大自然的美好時光,在我很年輕的時候就已成為令人難忘的經歷。 那是出乎意料的海外旅行,部分原因是旅行費用較高,部分原因是對非洲不熟悉。 但是,由於高中同學的邀請下而得以實現。 但是,這次旅行之後,我和我的朋友就不再講話了><。 那又是另一個故事...友誼在長途旅行中被毀了。


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