Friday 2 October 2020

President Donald Trump and his wife both tested positive for the coronavirus 👿

 Today’s shocking news: President Donald Trump announced that he and his wife both tested positive for the coronavirus!!
Photoed at high street in the UK

It perhaps happened during the 2020 United States presidential election debate on September 29, 2020, which was described as ‘a raucous affair with allegations, insults and interruptions flying at lightning-fast speed’ (BBC News). The two candidates’ wives’ body language were also analysed by the media, in which Melania Trump chose to remove her disposable facemask when she came on stage to show her support for her husband.

Snapshot Source: BBC News, 30 Sep 2020

The global translators, terminologists and interpreters will only understand the true meaning of the words and the implication behind the scene if they have rich and professional cultural background of social language, including religious phrases.

Snapshot Source: BBC News, 30 Sep 2020

Interestingly, 30 September is International Translation Day (ITD) since 1953, which is an international day celebrated every year on the feast of the Bible translator - St. Jerome. Against the backdrop of COVID-19, the theme for 2020 International Translation Day is ‘Finding the words for a world incrisis’. Have you picked your own words for your crisis in COVID-19? 

Source: ITD official website



這也許是在2020929日舉行的2020年美國總統大選辯論期間發生的,這場被描述為“一場充滿指控,侮辱和干擾的火爆事件”(BBC新聞)。媒體還對兩名候選人的妻子的肢體語言進行了分析,梅拉尼亞·川普(Melania Trump)上台時選擇拿下拋棄式口罩以表示對丈夫的支持。

據報導,這場激烈的辯論對世界各地的許多翻譯人員構成了巨大挑戰,一些質疑候選人的短語也使當地美國人感到驚訝。例如,喬·拜登(Joe Biden)指涉川普的稅收時,用阿拉伯語“ Inshallah”(回教人士和說阿拉伯語的人最常用來指稱人們希望將來發生的事件)以諷刺的方式暗示他永遠不可能會交很多稅


有趣的是,930日是自1953年以來的國際翻譯日,這是每年對聖人 Jerome(聖經翻譯者)的節慶國際日;COVID-19的背景下,2020年國際翻譯日的主題是“處於危機中的世界中的的字彙”。您是否為你在這場COVID-19危機選擇了自己的字彙呢?

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