Sunday 3 January 2021

A free rapid-result Covid-19 test before school reopen

COVID-19 became a pandemic in March 2020. Having suffering from long-period lockdown, for many people, new year message for 2021 is ‘back to normal’. 

As schools in the UK are to reopen next week, many schools have offered rapid-result Covid-19 tests before students and staffs return to the campus. It’s free and everyone who plans to enter the school buildings or socialise with their pupils is suggested to do so.   

Why? The Healthline media (2020) reported that about 80 percent of the UK's Covid-19 patients have no symptoms. They’re called ‘asymptomatic carriers’ and can still spread Covid-19 virus. Therefore, even though you feel pretty well, you might be one of them. That’s why Covid-19 test is so important before returning to schools.  

We are tired of lockdown life and don’t want this war endless, so the first thing on my New Year Resolution is getting a Covid-19 test to make sure my anti-Covid19 strategy is so far so right. So this afternoon, I have done the test and after two hours I received the result via email and text from NHS, which is negative. 

Keep safe and keep fighting! Only be cooperated, then we can fight against Covid-19 effectively. 

Book a time slot first

Trained staff on site help me register and proceed the test

Read the guide before test 

Got the result within 2 hours 




為什麼? Healthline媒體(2020年)報導說,英國約80%的Covid-19患者沒有症狀。 它們被稱為“無症狀攜帶者”,並且仍然可以傳播Covid-19病毒。 因此,即使您感覺很好,您也可能是其中之一。 這就是為什麼Covid-19測試在返回學校之前如此重要的原因。 

我們已經厭倦了封鎖生活,不想讓這場戰爭無休止,所以我的“新年新志願”的第一件事就是進行Covid-19測試,以確保到目前為止我的抗Covid19策略是正確的。 因此,今天下午,我已經完成了測試,兩個小時後,我通過NHS的電子郵件和傳簡訊收到了測試結果,結果是陰性。 

保持安全並繼續戰鬥! 只有合作,我們才能有效對抗Covid-19

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