Monday 29 March 2021

Being an organic farmer: Smart farming

The 54-year-old British actress Elizabeth Hurley has been in an ageless fitness for decades and is praised ‘looks...pretty damn incredible’. She recently shared her secret diet to the Magazine:

Source: elizabethhurley1 (Instagram)

I like simple, natural, easy food. I don’t really like food with a lot of chemicals or additives,’ she told The Cut.

All through summer we eat fruit and vegetables from my own garden. I used to have a small organic farm, and all the meat my son ate was from the farm.

Many ideas and values are developing to respond the changes resulted from the epidemic since 2019. For people stay at home more during Covid19, it is a good opportunity of transition from a food consumer to a producer, if they own a piece of land.  

Creating farm area in some places has become a social place for local community as part of the growth of the eco-system. It is evident that people spend leisure time in growing vegetables and share common interests in this way. Different farm has been customised by different owner—a productive landscape-shaping artwork.

The good example is the land behind the University of York, nearby Walmgate Stray, Heslington Lane.

It has been seen as a public good for those who would like to try a new way of life. Back to nature, combining food production and sustainable eco-environments.

Obviously, that's not possible for most people, but supporting local farmers wherever you live is a good thing,’ Elizabeth said.

However, modern agriculture not only needs some labour force but also requires expertise knowledge and financial sources to manage the lands.

Luckily, Funding Schemes from bigger banks, such as Barclays, is offering financial support for farm business in the UK countryside and this idea is supported by the government to direct the system and encourage more food production sources after Brexit. 

(site: Walmgate Stray, Heslington Lane)

(site: Walmgate Stray, Heslington Lane)

成為有機農夫: 智慧農耕

現年54歲的英國女演員伊麗莎白·赫爾利(Elizabeth Hurley)幾十年來一直是保持看不出年齡的健美,被譽為“看起來……真要命的美好”。她最近向雜誌分享了自己的飲食秘訣:

她對The Cut表示:“我喜歡簡單,自然,輕鬆的食物。我真的不喜歡含有很多化學物質或添加劑的食物。”



作為生態系統發展的一部分,在某些地方創建農場區域已成為當地社區的社交場所。 顯然,人們將休閒時間花在種植蔬菜上,並以此方式擁有共同的興趣。 不同的所有者已經客製出不同的農場,這是一種富有生產力的景觀塑造藝術作品。

有一個很好的例子是約克大學後方的Walmgate Stray附近的土地.

對於那些想嘗試一種新生活方式的人來說,這已被視為一種公共利益。 回歸自然,將糧食生產與可持續的生態環境結合起來。


但是,現代農業不僅需要一定的勞動力,還需要專業知識和資金來管理土地。 幸運的是,來自巴克萊等大型銀行的資助計劃正在為英國農村的農場業務提供財政支持,這一想法得到了政府的支持,以指導該系統並鼓勵英國退歐後的更多糧食生產來源。

Wednesday 17 March 2021

🍀St. Patrick's Day Food

St. Patrick's Day is celebrated on every 17 March, the day Saint Patrick himself died. The Irish have regarded it as a religious holiday for over 1,000 years and has become a global celebration of Irish culture.

To celebrate St. Patrick's Day, it generally involves public parades and festivals and the wearing of green attire or shamrocks. A festive that is full of green and gold vibes.

At home, the traditional Irish way to celebrate this special day is to serve tasty Irish meals with beer, ideally a pint of Guinness (or a classic Irish dessert with some boozy flavour).

Classic Irish Stew is one of the Irish recipes which is truly, truly easy, but will make you feel like a star chef. Today, to spend St. Patrick's Day at home, I made this cozy, savoury stew and also hand-made some green shamrock (which is, of course, green) crafts for an extra dose of luck.

As I did not buy any Guinness beer, it is always a good idea to be creative to make an alternative green drink, such as celery juice.

I learnt Classic Irish Stew recipe from the following website, which is really helpful, you may want to try and enjoy!

🍀60 Best St. Patrick's Day Food Ideas for the Ultimate Irish Feast

I use lamp chops instead of diced lamp

Chop potatoes, carrots, onions, celery, gingers and garlics into small pieces 

Lamp chops have been roasted a bit and chopped into pieces 

Fry garlics, gingers and celery 

Then add potatoes, onions and carrots

Finally add lamp chops and water to stew for 15 minutes (you can add a bit potato starch to thick up soup, and then sea salt, black pepper and thyme or parsley to season)

St. Patrick's Day Food has been done

St. Patrick節美食

St. Patrick節於每年的317日(St. Patrick本人去世日)慶祝。愛爾蘭人將其視為宗教節日已有1000多年的歷史,並且已成為愛爾蘭文化的全球慶祝活動。

為了慶祝St. Patrick節,通常會舉行公共遊行和節日以及穿著綠色服裝或三葉草。。 一個充滿綠色和金色氛圍的節日。


經典愛爾蘭燉菜是愛爾蘭的食譜之一,它確實非常簡單,但會讓您感覺像星級大廚師。今天, 為了在家中感受St. Patrick節,我製作了這種舒適,美味的燉菜,還手工製作了一些綠色三葉草(當然是綠色)手工藝品,以增加好運。由於我沒有購買任何健力士啤酒,因此,有創意性地製作其他綠色飲料(例如芹菜汁)始終是一個好主意。

這裡有一個有關St. Patrick節美食食譜的好網站,就嘗試一下並享受吧!

Sunday 14 March 2021

House-move during the Covid19🏡

  • "When talking about your house-move, it must always be described as traumatic, fraught with difficulty and disruption, eve if in fact the process was completely  smoothly and without noticeable stress." - Kate Fox (British social anthropologist)
🏠This was my third time of house-move during the Covid19 national lockdown in England.

⌛Last time when I considered home moving, I was concerned about the distance of in-store grocery shopping during lockdown as many online shopping services are always in a long queue. As such, I move to the city centre. However, my living room faces the main street with a lot of traffic noise, making mw feel uneasy. And its 'antique' building structure also generated a lot of unnecessary noises from neighbours that quite disturbed my life, especially kids sometimes visited their grandpa who lived upstairs on me and run around the floor, driving me very crazy.

🔓On 4 January Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced a new national lockdown in England- the England's third national lockdown; I have decided that I want to move to somewhere to re-boost my mood and have a better window view, although I just furnished my flat last September.  I know that I have to choose either the ground floor or the top floor, and a nice furnished one. 

🌈Now everything is resettled down just upon my March birthday arrival.

💒I am living in my favourite house choice. The location is still near city centre within 15-minute walk, while its living and bedroom are facing against the River Ouse which flows through the city of York and the house is surrounded by many green spaces and parks. The view from my windows is quite European scenery.

🍊Besides, online shopping is easier to book now as we can see that the COVID-19 vaccine is helping to reduce the spread of infection and elder people and others have more confidence to walk out. And I have a big refrigerator in my new house so I can take advantage of online shopping more without walking to the supermarkets.

👌Most importantly, neighbours living nearby are those who enjoy quiet life so that I do enjoy a peaceful moment without noise disturbance in a pretty house.  

💖The house-move is troublesome but is definitely worthy of!

The view form my window is picturesque💖

a great view to watch a summer football game 

The view form my bedroom 

Opposite the River

The way to the city centre

The way back home

Riverside night view


"在講到搬家時,必須始終將其描述的很煩擾,充滿困難和混亂,即使事實上該過程是完全順利的並且沒有明顯的壓力。" -凱特·福克斯(英國社會人類學家)



14日,英國首相Boris Johnson宣布了對英格蘭的新的國家封鎖,這是英格蘭的第三次國家封鎖;我已經決定要搬到某個地方來重新提振心情,並擁有更好的窗戶視野,儘管去年9月我剛剛佈置了公寓。我知道我必須選擇一樓或頂層,以及一間佈置精美的有家具的房子。


我住在我最喜歡的房子裡。 該位置仍然在市中心附近,步行15分鐘即可到達,而其起居室和臥室都面對著流經約克市的Ouse河,房屋四周被許多綠地和公園所環繞。 從我的窗戶看出去的景色頗具歐洲風情。

此外,現在可以更輕鬆地預訂網路購物,因為我們可以看到COVID-19疫苗正在幫助減少感染的蔓延,老年人和其他人更有信心走出去。 而且我的新房子裡有一台大冰箱,這樣我就可以不用逛超市就可以利用網路購物的更多便利。

