Monday 29 March 2021

Being an organic farmer: Smart farming

The 54-year-old British actress Elizabeth Hurley has been in an ageless fitness for decades and is praised ‘looks...pretty damn incredible’. She recently shared her secret diet to the Magazine:

Source: elizabethhurley1 (Instagram)

I like simple, natural, easy food. I don’t really like food with a lot of chemicals or additives,’ she told The Cut.

All through summer we eat fruit and vegetables from my own garden. I used to have a small organic farm, and all the meat my son ate was from the farm.

Many ideas and values are developing to respond the changes resulted from the epidemic since 2019. For people stay at home more during Covid19, it is a good opportunity of transition from a food consumer to a producer, if they own a piece of land.  

Creating farm area in some places has become a social place for local community as part of the growth of the eco-system. It is evident that people spend leisure time in growing vegetables and share common interests in this way. Different farm has been customised by different owner—a productive landscape-shaping artwork.

The good example is the land behind the University of York, nearby Walmgate Stray, Heslington Lane.

It has been seen as a public good for those who would like to try a new way of life. Back to nature, combining food production and sustainable eco-environments.

Obviously, that's not possible for most people, but supporting local farmers wherever you live is a good thing,’ Elizabeth said.

However, modern agriculture not only needs some labour force but also requires expertise knowledge and financial sources to manage the lands.

Luckily, Funding Schemes from bigger banks, such as Barclays, is offering financial support for farm business in the UK countryside and this idea is supported by the government to direct the system and encourage more food production sources after Brexit. 

(site: Walmgate Stray, Heslington Lane)

(site: Walmgate Stray, Heslington Lane)

成為有機農夫: 智慧農耕

現年54歲的英國女演員伊麗莎白·赫爾利(Elizabeth Hurley)幾十年來一直是保持看不出年齡的健美,被譽為“看起來……真要命的美好”。她最近向雜誌分享了自己的飲食秘訣:

她對The Cut表示:“我喜歡簡單,自然,輕鬆的食物。我真的不喜歡含有很多化學物質或添加劑的食物。”



作為生態系統發展的一部分,在某些地方創建農場區域已成為當地社區的社交場所。 顯然,人們將休閒時間花在種植蔬菜上,並以此方式擁有共同的興趣。 不同的所有者已經客製出不同的農場,這是一種富有生產力的景觀塑造藝術作品。

有一個很好的例子是約克大學後方的Walmgate Stray附近的土地.

對於那些想嘗試一種新生活方式的人來說,這已被視為一種公共利益。 回歸自然,將糧食生產與可持續的生態環境結合起來。


但是,現代農業不僅需要一定的勞動力,還需要專業知識和資金來管理土地。 幸運的是,來自巴克萊等大型銀行的資助計劃正在為英國農村的農場業務提供財政支持,這一想法得到了政府的支持,以指導該系統並鼓勵英國退歐後的更多糧食生產來源。

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