Sunday 25 July 2021

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland 🐇🎀

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is written by English author Lewis Carroll (his real name: Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, a British mathematician) in 1865, which was inspired when he and his friend rowed up the River Isis in Oxford in a boat with three young girls: Lorina, Alice and Edith. During the trip, Mr Dodgson told the girls a fantasy tale about a bored little girl named Alice, a restless young British girl, falls down a rabbit hole, and enters a magical world. 

Source: Alice in Wonderland

Lewis Carroll produced this work during the Victorian era – a period of wealth, prosperity and affluence for the British people – this novel was thought to reflect his lifestyle and writing.

Source: Alice in Wonderland

Some have argued that the bizarre happenings of Alice’s journey through Wonderland, a place ruled by nonsense and incoherence, implying the reference to Victorian Britain as satire. In the scene of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, we can see British social etiquette, manners and political repression elements in the Victorian Britain period; they are portrayed as the characters, such as the White Rabbit, the Queen and King of Heart, and the Duchess.

Source: Alice in Wonderland

Disney has made Alice's Adventures a live-action/animated film for many years. Johnny Depp as the Mad Hatter was really dramatic in 2010’s movie.

Source: Disney 

The first time I met Alice was in British library at Boston Spa – the girl standing on the wall. 

At that moment, I didn’t realise this novel is s British work. Today, I met Alice at Homestead Park, York and have a better understanding of it. I quite enjoyed wondering around the garden party without anyone there in a very hot British summer afternoon. 

The garden party started with a rabbit’s talk🐇: Oh! the Duchess! the Duchess!...

🐇🌸《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》是英國作家劉易斯·卡羅爾(本名:英國數學家查爾斯·路特維奇·道奇森)於 1865 年創作的,靈感來自於他和他的朋友在牛津與三個年輕女孩一起在伊西斯河上划船:洛麗娜、愛麗絲和伊迪絲。在旅途中,道奇森先生給女孩們講了一個關於無聊的小女孩愛麗絲的奇幻故事,一個不安分的英國小女孩掉進了兔子洞,進入了一個神奇的世界。

劉易斯·卡羅爾 (Lewis Carroll) 在維多利亞時代——英國人民富裕、繁榮和富裕的時期——創作了這部作品——這部小說被認為反映了他的生活方式和寫作。


多年來,迪士尼一直將《愛麗絲歷險記》製作成真人/動畫電影。 約翰尼·德普飾演的瘋帽子在 2010 年的電影中非常具有戲劇性。 我第一次見到愛麗絲是在波士頓溫泉的英國圖書館——那個站在牆上的女孩。 那一刻,我沒有意識到這部小說是英國的作品。 

今天,我在約克的 Homestead Park 遇到了 Alice,對它有了更深入的了解。 在一個炎熱的英國夏日午後,我非常喜歡在沒有人的情況下在花園派對上閒逛。 

花園派對從兔子的談話開始:哦! 公爵夫人! 公爵夫人!...

Sunday 11 July 2021

Is Football coming home in 2021?⚽

2020 Football Final has been the top headline of this month, and it is hard to ignore this biggest event because a lots of football messages around the high street; pubs, supermarkets, stores and playgrounds all remind you it is time to watch football.

And tonight, would be a crazy night for football fans as the 2020 UEFA Champions League Final is coming to take place in London on Sunday 11 July at 21:00 CET.

The history of football can be traced back to 1863, which began in England.

Is football coming home tonight?

Let’s play a famous song called ‘Three Lions’ which was written as an English football anthem.

Good Luck!

足球會在 2021 年回歸英國嗎?

2020 年足球總決賽一直是本月的頭條新聞,很難忽視這個最大的事件,因為大街上有很多足球信息; 酒吧、超市、商店和遊樂場都會提醒您是時候觀看足球比賽了。

今晚,對於足球迷來說將是一個瘋狂的夜晚,因為 2020 年歐洲冠軍聯賽決賽將於 7 11 日星期日歐洲中部時間 21:00 在倫敦舉行。

足球的歷史可以追溯到始於英格蘭的 1863 年。


