Sunday 11 July 2021

Is Football coming home in 2021?⚽

2020 Football Final has been the top headline of this month, and it is hard to ignore this biggest event because a lots of football messages around the high street; pubs, supermarkets, stores and playgrounds all remind you it is time to watch football.

And tonight, would be a crazy night for football fans as the 2020 UEFA Champions League Final is coming to take place in London on Sunday 11 July at 21:00 CET.

The history of football can be traced back to 1863, which began in England.

Is football coming home tonight?

Let’s play a famous song called ‘Three Lions’ which was written as an English football anthem.

Good Luck!

足球會在 2021 年回歸英國嗎?

2020 年足球總決賽一直是本月的頭條新聞,很難忽視這個最大的事件,因為大街上有很多足球信息; 酒吧、超市、商店和遊樂場都會提醒您是時候觀看足球比賽了。

今晚,對於足球迷來說將是一個瘋狂的夜晚,因為 2020 年歐洲冠軍聯賽決賽將於 7 11 日星期日歐洲中部時間 21:00 在倫敦舉行。

足球的歷史可以追溯到始於英格蘭的 1863 年。




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