Sunday 30 April 2017

Flamboyant Paris

Paris 15/4-19/4/2017
It is an interesting thing that when I told my French classmate, saying I had a short stay in Paris last night, she directly replied that, ‘I always wonder what people can do in Paris for 3 days?’  


Paris has been praised as the cultural centre of Europe, also is a city where many couples regard it as a honeymoon place. What makes it so appealing? For me, Paris is like a lady with multi-facets, and a noble prince sometimes with a playboy’s features. Although Paris has many historic buildings, she is active and chic. 


I live in the 9th area, which quite near to the city centre where have many famous attractions. Therefore, I just took a walk along the street or took the metro every day to observe a daily life in Paris.   


Culture and history
Being a museum and movie fan, visiting the Louvre Museum, one of the most greatest museums in the world, has achieved my higher goal.

About the story from the novel plus the movie ‘The Da Vinci Code’, and the mystery of Mona Lisa’s smile now finally appeared in my eyes! I actually told myself, ‘I can die now’ when I entered the Louvre, although Mona Lisa’s picture is quite small hanging on the wall, every visitor is keen to take a photo of her. 
關於小說的故事加上電影達芬奇密碼,以及蒙娜麗莎的笑容的奧秘終於出現在我的眼前!實際上,當我進入盧浮宮時,我真的告訴自己,我現在可以死了,雖然Mona Lisa的照片很小,掛在牆上,可是每個訪客都渴望拍攝她的照片。

林布蘭大師力作Rembrandt's work 
Glamour and Flamboyance
Place de la Bastille, Palais Royal, Jardin des Tuileries, Saint-Michel-Notre Dame tell you the past of France.
巴士底廣場,皇家宮殿,杜伊勒里花園,聖米歇爾 - 聖母院及紅磨坊等告訴你法國的過去就有的輝煌。

While Galeries Lafayette Haussmann is not so huge as I think. 


All the glamour are along the river Seine, where love is telling its story and the lovers’ promise been locked on the bridge. 

The City Icon: the Eiffel Tower

Every night on the hour, there is lighting show of the Eiffel Tower. It is the moment attracting everyone’s eyes in the big city. It is the moment everyone trying to seize for the eternity.


Designed Architecture: Rambuteau   
Simplicity and Ease
I did not especially eat a formal French cuisine, but Paris is full of street food, café, convenient stores, and restaurants. Macaron, roast spring chicken, baguette and Indian migrants’ kebab are everywhere. Surprisingly, there are many street vendors in some areas and extend quite a long distance. 

Art and Fashion
No wonder, the French love their country so much, le drapeau tricolore(「三色旗」)presents the colours they like and presents in costumes.

不用懷疑, 法國人是很愛國的,他們的國旗三色旗,是他們喜歡的顏色,並表現在服飾上。
Mixed and Complexity
As many international city, part of Paris is mixed with different race, colour, culture and art, classic palaces and modern styled buildings can coexist in a given place with noble and mundane lifestyles. 
 It is hard to express the whole picture of Paris in a short article because its beauty is as Mona Lisa’s smile, hinding something under her expression. Sometimes I found that something nasty in some places under its glamour outsides.   