Sunday 23 April 2017

Saint George's Day on 23 April

Our guided walking today came to Arundel, and just observed a school parade in Arundel Town Centre.

They are celebrating Saint George's Day! Since I live in England right now, Saint George's Day is something I have to know about. As 23 April is the final day of Easter Holidays (the resurrection of Jesus Christ), also the date of Saint George's Day -- a England's patron saint, who protected Christian belief before.  

This date is seen as a national holiday in England. Traditionally, people celebrate it with parades, dancing and other activities.The flag with the image of St George's cross represents as an expression of English culture and identity. It is also used as England's national flag.

Walking along the Tudor style architectures, there is a Roman castle built on the hill and above the river, making Arundel city full of nostalgic history.

Then close to the Castle, we visited Arundel Cathedral to experience religious ambiance in old days.

既然住在England就要知道這個聖喬治節.今天是復活節假期的最後一天,也是聖喬治節的日子。 紀念聖喬治 - 英格蘭守護神,在過去保護基督教信仰的守護者。這個日期被視為英格蘭的國慶日。 傳統上,人們以遊行,跳舞等活動來慶祝。

具有聖喬治十字架形象的旗幟代表了英國文化和身份的表現。 它也被用作英格蘭的國旗。


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