Monday 24 April 2017

Brussels is not so boring~

My classmate told me that Brussels is boring, but it is not so boring to me, maybe because I am a child-like person, at least, I to some extend keep a curiosity heart inside. Anyway, there are some interesting things I can share with you here:

The City Icon of Brussels: Manneken Pis 
It has been taged as one of the top 10 disappointing landscapes in the Europe. But, don’t say Manneken Pis disappoint you again, it is small though. In fact, There are many of them standing along the street and posturing aside delicious hot waffles.

城市圖標:Manneken Pis 尿尿小童
這是歐洲票選出十大令人失望的景觀之一。但是,不要再說尿尿小童令你失望了,雖然它是有點小隻,事實上, 有許多尿尿小童在街道上站著,並在美味的熱鬆餅旁擺姿勢。
How small? so small!

Friendly and Delicious Local Food: waffle, chocolate, French fries and beers
Brussels is well known for its local waffle, chocolate, French fries and beers, which are all accessible and affordable for general public, and that is what I mean, friendly.

I love waffles with various dressings, but I certainly picked chocolate flavor when I ate it for the first time. It has been globally recognised that the concentration and the quality of Belgian chocolate are the NO.1 in the world. 
With ice cream or fruits on it!
However, eating hot chocolate can be very risky, as I found that the melting chocolate flowing from the waffle was ruining my top when I came back to Hostel, its colour already adhered on my sweater, and became hard to wash it off.

可是, 吃熱巧克力可能是非常危險的,因為我發現當我回到旅館時,從華夫餅流出的熔化巧克力毀了我的上衣,它的顏色已經卡在我的毛衣上,變得很難洗掉。

There is no need to say another favourite snack: French fries are likewise waffles, you can pick different dressing if you like. Simply original fries are already mouthwatering, it tastes even better if you treat yourself with a beer.
So get these tips to enjoy yourself: waffle+ chocolate, French fries+beers
Fresh and crisp!! 口感新鮮香脆!!

Comic Strip and Delicate Action Figures
When you visit Brussels, don’t forget visit The Belgian Comic Strip Center, where let you have some lovely moments to feel humorous human civilization. From ancient Egyptian cave-painting to modern comic films, they are not only for children, but also present our daily stories on newspapers, especially play jokes with politicians. 



I felt interesting to visit the centre in that am just the one who is fond of comic books. In this way, you can also find some of them appearing on Brussels buildings and noticeboards and unique action figures displayed in shops.  

The Grand Palace and Grand Shopping Hallway
If you like to see many historic medieval buildings in the Europe, Maybe Brussels is not so many, while they have a magnificent square, where everyone is surrounded by its four golden, historic palaces. It is not so often to see everywhere. Everyone was turning around and around in this square to appreciate its glory. 

Next to the square, there is a shopping hallway waiting for you to know many brands of chocolate.In particularly, it is during the Easter Break, they are rolling out Easter eggs for celebrating the traditional festival. 


Overall, it is not so boring to be here and depends on how many days you plan to stay. I only stay here for two days. There are still something that I have not explored. My Hostel roommate-- a beautiful French friend, who enjoyed a lot of child-like fun in ‘The Mini-Euro’ where nearby ‘Atomium’ that I didn’t visit this time. Always, something wonderful is being left for next trip!!

A friendly multi-cultural comic strip on a community wall 社區牆上1幅代表多元包容文化的友善漫畫

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