Friday 9 June 2017

Rose Garden

A Japanese famous cartoon suddenly comes to my mind after I visited Rose Garden several times:
Source: Wiki 
Once upon a time, there is a pretty girl named キャンディキャンディ(小甜甜) who grew up in an orphanage. One day, she felt quite sad and ran out of the orphanage, then bumped into a very good-looking young man standing in a garden with many beautiful roses... 

Roses and her mysterious prince – Anthony compose of the popular and classic Japanese historical romance novel. And interestingly, キャンディ・キャンディ (小甜甜later was sent to the UK to study by her adoptive family.


Rose Garden situates in the Preston Park and is designed to have multiple colours and sorts of roses in 2001. There is no Prince Anthony but two life-sized French statues standing on both sides representing different seasons.
Now it is the right season for the national flower for England: the rose. When the weather is sunshine, everyone enjoys this rosy place so much. 

曾經有一個關於在孤兒院長大的漂亮女孩的故事キャンディキャンディ--小甜甜有一天,她感到非常傷心,跑出孤兒院,碰到一個非常好看的年輕人,站在一個有許多美麗玫瑰的花園裡,玫瑰和她神秘的王子 - 安東尼組成了這部流行和經典的日本歷史浪漫小說。有趣的是,小甜甜後來被收養家庭送到英國念書呢。

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