Thursday 15 June 2017

Walled Garden

It is always me or no more than two people strolling around here. And I never feel tired of this hidden garden.

Rose Garden sits in the front of the Preston Park, and Walled Garden located in the back. This squared space has an arched walkway entwined with plants standing in the middle.

I find that there are many unknown flowers and plants bloom seasonally, making this garden never being empty and boring.

Tranquil and picturesque, it is just like the backdrop of ‘Alice in Wonderland’. Experts say meditation and water are wedded forever, so it is a good place sitting down by the lily pond to take a breath, admire lovely flowers and listen birds-singing. 


Several days ago, I recommended a friend to visit this garden with me, she was surprised with the variety of flora, saying that,’ I never know such a wonderful place until now since she have lived here for nine months.’ 
Amazing , this public but secret garden is never crowded even though there are so many mysterious plants and flowers that are worthy of staying for a long time. I will say, beautiful gardens are essential and embedded in British ordinary life. 
Never mind how many flowers and plants that you don’t know, just happily enjoy this wonderful sight. By the way, it could be a good idea to learn gardening here!

玫瑰花園在Preston Park前,Walled Garden位在後面。它是一個正方型空間,有一個拱形走道交織著植物立在中間。

寧靜且風景如畫,就像“愛麗絲夢遊仙境”的風情,專家說冥想和水永遠都是在一起的,所以這是一個坐在百合池旁,呼吸,欣賞美麗的花朵,聽鳥 - 唱歌的好地方。



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