Saturday 1 July 2017

Summer in Marseille

Summer in Marseille
While Marseille, on France's south coast, is the second largest city in France, and the picture of Provence is always romantic with lavender and sunflower fields, there are something surprising that many travelers and bloggers didn’t tell you the truth:

Summer is like grilling
It is entirely too hot when I arrived here around 26-28 June.The sunrise and sunset time range from 4:30 am to 9:30pm, it can be over 30°C, (hot as a hell!) to have a suntan and BBQ yourself.
Therefore, if you like to show off beautiful bronzed skin on your summer break. Go to Marseille in the summer season!

As I can see only the white enjoy the sunshine so much, the local people escape from the blistering heat under the shades.

Taxi is expensive and cannot go everywhere by walking in Provence
Although Marseille city has metro (underground/tube/subway), the hotel price is averagely higher than other city.
No wonder, the Japanese own a Hotel in the city center, they know where the money is.
If you consider to live outside the city such as big towns: Saint-Antoine, Septemes-les-Vallons or Salon-de-Provence; small towns like Cabrieres, it then charges you around 40 Euro for 15-minute taxi fee.
Outside the city is pretty much a countryside area, the normal way for local people getting to the city or other places is by driving. It is even more complicated to take a bus to the airport, you have to know where you need to transfer by another route bus and they don’t speak English, even the young people.
Motorcycles are in, not scooters.
In Marseille, scooters are for girls. Man up and go for a motorcycle.

It is not legal Graffiti; instead, simply destroying the art
Sometimes, free can be wild and be abused in the public place, Isn’t it? Many statues have been drawn unknown marks on them, and piss can be smelled just by the corner.

people piss in the corner of the arch building
Being “Islamicized”?
Besides, when you are in the city, you would be shocked that it is a typical phenomenon of being “Islamicized” and becoming a “Eurabia,”

The Muslim people are full of the city, some have run small businesses like opening a store, some are beggars with their kinds sitting on the street. It should not be so if you consider France is a beautiful and rich city. Maybe it is because Marseille's location is near the sea port, which directly offers a good chance for many migrants, no matter legal or illegal, to reach the city and settle down here. The second largest population you can see are the Black, most the white are tourists here to spend their vacation.
Illegal migrants or refugees will hope they can fly
Diverse ethnic society
Its diversity also takes on the family picture: the white father with the black kids. Is it so-called the post-globalization family? But it also shows that Marsille is a very tolerant city. Its a city for everyone. 

What is stunning and famous for the city?
I visited some famous spots: The Old Port (Le Vieux Port de Marseille) down to the Quai des Belges, and the Basilica of Notre-Dame de la Garde: two traditional highlights here.

Le Palais Longchamp and its art museum
The funny zoo inside the park is probably another point you can complain (too boring). However, it is free to enter the park. The art gallery (for 5 Euro is just fair enough) is just next to the park, which is a good place to duck inside to have some peaceful and cool moment in the blistering heat. 

Many paintings illustrate its local beauty.

Fresh vegetables and fruits
I would like to give Marseille a very high rating in its fresh, colourful and various kinds of vegetables and fruits. Due to its warm weather and location, saying easier to transport by sea, I believe that the food product absolutely provide local people with more choices than other French cities. And I also taste some delicious chips (=British crisps) bought from the local supermarket.

It is still French style
Walking in the city street, you can grasp and smell the French style, look at the street pathway, the architecture design and French women’s stylish dressing, even though she stood by the rubbish.

Marseille Soap
Don’t forget to bring with the most famous product in Marseille-Marseille soap, which is enriched with natural extracts and olive oil, taking you into the heart of Provence.

After few days stay, I soon realize that I am allergic to the sun even when I have put on sun cream. This itchy rash broke out at the midnight, causing my sleep problem, I cannot stop to scratch my skin, and I finally felt better when I returned to the UK. Here is only 20°C, so, where is the best place to spend your vacation in the Europe?


如果考慮住在城外,例如大城:聖安托萬,Septemes-les-Vallons或普羅旺斯沙龍;或像Cabrieres這樣的小城會被計程車15分鐘車程收取約40歐元(台幣1,200, PS:對照1水是60,上公車1次也是60)城外幾乎是農村,當地人到城市或其他地方的正常方式是開車。



我參觀了一些著名景點:舊港口(Le Vieux Port de Marseille),沿著麻田街Quai des BelgesT直走和聖母瑪利亞大堂,因這是兩個傳統的亮點。

Le Palais Longchamp及其美術館



還有,別忘了帶走著名的馬賽香:充滿富的橄欖油及大自然的萃取物,進入普羅旺斯的內心 。

幾天之後,我很快就意識到,即使塗了防曬霜,我也對太陽過敏(光過敏)。這個瘙癢的皮疹在午夜爆發,導致我的睡眠問題,我無法停止, 直到當我回到英國時,我才覺得好些。所以覺得裡才是歐洲夏天旅行的好地方呢?

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