Sunday 23 July 2017

Summer Rock Music Night!!

Over four decades after the Beatles split, their songs are still everlasting in the music history.

I don’t know much about the Beatles until I visited the Beatles Story in Liverpool where they origin.

Today, when it comes to the UK music, the Beatles is still the remarkable icon and unforgettable paradigm.

Punk rock is another cultural legacy developed in the early to mid-1970s in the UK and popular in London by late 1976. But nowadays I don’t see any one play Punk music or dress up like that on the street in the UK.

But this summer, I suddenly become one of the band - Chorusgirl + Jetstream Pony  fans.

This band’s music has stylish lyrics composed by the singer. They came to sing at Rialto Theatre in Brighton, and begin the tour concert among many cities in the UK.

It is glad to have this opportunity to enjoy the music.

In particular, the drummer is one of classmates and that has made some of us become basic fans before attendance, it of course allows me to videotape the wonderful highlights! 

但今年夏天,我突然成為樂團 - Chorusgirl + Jetstream Pony的粉絲。這個樂團的音樂是歌手自已創作個性歌詞。他們來到Brighton的里亞托劇院,開始在英國許多城市開始巡迴演唱會。很高興有機會享受這個音樂會。特別是,鼓手是同學之一,讓我們一些人在參加前就成了基本粉絲,當然還允許我錄製精彩的show亮點!
The Beatles Story:

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