Sunday 9 July 2017

Tower of London

Two famous iconic London landmarks have often confused many tourists from all over the world – to mistake Tower Bridge for London Bridge. I was once one of them. 
Tower Bridge
Source: Google Map
London Bridge  (Source:
However, due to 2017 Wimbledon, I had a chance to meet my Taiwanese friend who made a long flight to watch Roger Federer in this game in London, and we visited Tower of London together in the weekend. That really helps me to distinguish Tower bridge & London Bridge.

Tower of London is in the core location of London, telling its importance in the British history, as the introduction described, “London’s castle - a secure fortress, royal palace and infamous prison. “

Although the ticket from £22 Pounds (for students) to £26 (for adults), even higher than Louver in Paris, is a bit stunning, Tower of London is home to the most famous and prominent landmarks in the UK with the Royal treasure (royal crowns and bishop’s crosiers) inside there. 

A secure fortress:
It is a place full of historic stories, be they glory or sorrow. 

Apart of the armoury exhibition, they host live historical events in the castle square. 

 Visitors can engage in such a play and live show to recall the past history. 

A royal palace
The highlights in this palace is to see the dazzling, breathtaking, world famous collection of the Royal jewelry, which up to 23,578 gemstones and are still used in royal ceremonies today (Not allowed to take photos).

An infamous prison
All the royal families who have power and money beyond the people inevitably face their own issues, such as love betray, competition for the throne, leading to two young princes were secretly killed and buried in the base room.

It takes half a day to visit Tower of London, and after that, only five-minute walking distance to the famous Tower Bridge, which some warships display on The River Thames.

Walking on Tower Bridge, now you stand opposite to the Tower of London, it becomes easy to use your imagination to connect historic stories with a great battling fortress as a whole picture. 

Therefore, how to tell London Bridge from Tower Bridge will never bother you anymore. 

(Click to know more about Tower of London)

兩個著名的標誌性倫敦地標時常使來自世界各地的許多遊客搞不清楚 (倫敦) 塔橋弄錯成倫敦橋。我曾經是其中之一。


倫敦塔是在倫敦的核心位置,講述了英國歷史上的重要性,如同介紹形容的“倫敦城堡”是一座1) 安全的堡壘,2) 皇宮和3) 臭名昭彰的監獄。"

雖然票價從英鎊22(學生)到26英鎊(成人),甚至比巴黎的羅浮宮高,有點嚇人, 但是倫敦塔是英國最著名和最顯赫的地標之一,擁有皇家寶藏在裡面(皇冠和主教的交叉)。






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