Sunday 16 July 2017

Knock! Knock! Welcome Summer in Romance

Personalising your space and defining your style! 

Many people think that only the rich have the ability to own a front garden or a backyard in the house. It is not always the truth. 
With continuing sunshine, drizzle, and breeze, plants and flowers have growing well in midsummer England. How about creating a small space with a big idea to make your door look amazing and welcome visitors in a delightful mood?

You can be a good green-finger to decorate a nice summer door to catch up people’s eyes when they pass by the house. Here are some such romance I found at Brighton. 

In particular, this solar-powered-bulb garden has its electricity-saving utility as the colourful bulbs hanging on the trees function as a solar energy generation station. It is functional, chic and ‘powerful’ as the sun is from 5 am to 9 pm right now. 
Interestingly, recently there is also a small moving space with a romantic and carzy idea reported by BBC: a Taiwanese forest bus. (Click to see: Source: BBC News). 

Gardening is a professional work. Being a good plant carer, it is better look at what plants are for sun and what are for shade and semi-shade before startup, sustaining the beauty longer all the year round. 

給自己個人化的空間及打造一個樣式! 許多人認為,只有富人才有能力在房子裡擁有前花園或後院。這並不一定總是這樣。何不試著在小空間裡設計出好點子讓你的門看起來很讚,用著快樂的心情迎接訪客?



另外,還有一個小空間狂想法是臺灣花園公車:有植物和花園的公車,載著人在城市跑。 (資料來源:BBC新聞)


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