Thursday 1 March 2018

Protest and Strike over pension reforms in Taiwan and the UK

Taiwan, like many European developed countries, is facing demographic changes in the past decades. In fact, according to Taiwan News (2017), Taiwan’s birthrate is now world's 3rd lowest, together with the growth of aging populations and the rise in average life expectancy, the government is gradually failing to keep the promise that made to civil servants, teachers working for public schools, and soldiers due to fiscal shortage. This week, Taiwanese Veterans’ group and other groups gathered and broke into the Legislative Yuan in Taipei to protest the pension reforms that aim to tackle the governmental pension fund’s deficit by a significant cut.
(source: Taipei Times 28 Feb, 2018)

Similarly, university lecturers across the UK began strike action over pensions since 22 February. This sweeping industrial action supported by the University and College Union is the biggest ever that brought widespread disruption to campuses across the UK (2018 Guardian News).
(Source: Financial Times, 22 feb 2018)
Students are quite vulnerable under such a situation and unable to predict how long it will take. Until 28 Feb, we are informed that the strike will be extended to one-month long. 
campus is now quiet and relatively empty

Studying in the UK can be highly pressured as the British university education is designed as an intensive module to be completed within shorter academic years. Without regular taught courses, students seem happy for self-study without too many complaints. Meanwhile, the UK is experiencing its spring snows, students take advantage of this spare time to enjoy making a snowman on campus.

像許多歐洲發達國家一樣,台灣在過去幾十年面臨著人口變化。事實上,根據“Taiwan news”(2017)報導,台灣的低出生率是世界第3低。




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