Saturday 10 March 2018

Spring is on the way

Now that we know the snowfall across the UK at the end of February is brought by ‘Emma’, as well as another storm hitting many British universities called ‘Strike’. Though it has been freezing cold for several days, and my train at the last weekend was thus delayed for 40 minutes due to Emma, how worse it could be? Spring should come very soon!
The snowfall is already beginning to melt as temperatures start to rise and fog often forms when colder air moves over warmer water in the morning. 

There may be small amounts of rain and milder air makes its way to Yorkshire. All the signs are for the surge of spring-like weather.  

I am preparing to say goodbye to the winter, (it is still icy beautiful) and hello spring.
As Easter is approaching soon, I joined a DIY group this week to hand-make an Easter egg to decorate my room.

This takes me 2 hours!
Also, I saved a bottle of frosted cranberry aroma that is ready to unlock and diffuse its fragrance.
Spring is the dawn of the year, a good time to reboot your life! Enjoy!

🌼 既然我們知道2月底英國的降雪是由' Emma '帶來的,另外還有一場風暴是襲擊了許多英國的大學的'罷工'事件。 儘管天氣連好幾天都很冷,而我的火車在上週末因Emma而延遲了40分鐘,還可能會有多糟? 春天應該很快就來了!

隨著氣溫開始升高,降雪已經開始融化,當早上較冷的空氣轉為溫暖的水時,通常會形成霧。 可能會有少量的雨水和較溫和的空氣來到約克郡。 所有的跡像都是因為春天般一樣的天氣。

我正準備向冬天說再見,(它仍然是冰冷的美麗),迎向春天。 本週,我參加了一個彩蛋DIY小組,手工製作一個復活節彩蛋來裝飾我的房間,並且拯救了一瓶準備好要解放和散發香味的蔓越莓香水。


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