Sunday 18 March 2018

York is the best place to live in Britain

Two interesting news from last week, Taiwan is found to be the happiest nation (at rank 26 among 156 countries worldwide) in East Asia according to the UN 2018 report released on 15 March 2018, happier than its competitive neighbours: Japan and South Korea. Taiwan (R.O.C) — a de facto nation, is featured by its vibrant liberal democracy. However, the UN denied to recognize its independent sovereignty since 1971 when China (P. R.C) took over its seat. Even so, I believe that Taiwanese know how to enjoy a bit of happiness in their daily lives. Just like the Japanese writer 村上春樹 coined this term ‘村上春樹の造語「小確幸」(しょうかっこう)’. 
(Source: The JakartaPost, 18 March, 2018)
Another interesting news is York, the place I currently live, comes up with the best place to live in Britain. For people living in York, some may think it is a sleeping city without many exciting things to go banana; others may appreciate its historical beauty (According to the Sunday Times releasedon on 18 March, York — the best place to live in the UK 2018!). 
(Source: The Sunday Times)
Life is really all about how you discover what you want and how to define your happiness. Now I am the person from the happiest country in East Asia and living in the best place in the UK. Cheers!  



生活真的就是關於你如何發現你想要的及定義你的幸福. 現在我可是那個來自東亞最快樂的國家,又居住在英國最好的地方的人呢。乾杯!

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