Saturday 4 August 2018

Home gardens around the York corner

British gardens not only layout in open spaces, but also in private houses.

City landscape is enriched by the combination of public and private environments.

When individual citizens are aware of the importance of building up a pleasant space for the community, city landscape is easier to build up a pretty picture.

Today's theme is about how people in York design their houses or restaurants with summer flowers. 

I select some photos which really attract my eyes when I walk around the city. 

By the way, roses are about to be the end of bloom season, while other flowers and plants are continuing to maintain this summer scenery. So, don't miss the opportunity to enjoy outdoor fun. Gardens are just around the corner.

今天我將向您展示約克人如何通過夏季花卉設計他們的房屋或餐館。 順便一句,玫瑰即將結束盛開的季節,而其他花卉和植物正在繼續保持這個夏天的風景。 所以,不要錯過享受外樂趣的機會。花園就在附近。

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