Saturday 18 August 2018

The Migrant’s Dilemma

So far, the UK is the top 5 destination country in the world for hosting migrants from worldwide. However, there are more than a million British people moved to Australia after WW 2 and later over a quarter came back home. 

Mary Holmes, a British woman once emigrated from Newport to Australia in 1962 with her farmer husband and five children. At that time, under the British migration scheme, adults paid only 10 pounds to travel to the new destination and her children went free. 

When they finally settled down in their new country—Australia, Mary wrote down a poem in next year: 

Oft[en] I toss and turn at night, sleep troubled & uneasy.
Back and forth my thoughts they dance, in a maddening crazy frenzy.
The land is good, full of chance, the people kind & friendly.
So tell me why my wayward heart is always homeward turning.

Finally, Mary eventually returned to live in Wales.

This is the case of a general migrant's homesickness in the new place.  

When you encourage people to do something bravely, you say ‘the sky is the limit’; but for refugees to say, the sea is really the limit. Don’t know what hope they can hold, refugees are contemplating a move to a new destination country. 

The dilemma is when they finally come to the Disneyland in their imagination, they are just starting to face all the challenges in their host country. Not everyone is a lady or a gentleman who welcomes refugees so much. The most concerned issue for refugees is ‘no rights to work’ in a new destination. As such, what is the future? To stay or to return is always a question. 

I herein share a refugee-theme exhibition: ‘The Sea is the Limit’ which is currently held by York Art Gallery. Eleven international artists co-display their works to depict the reality of refugees’ dilemma during the process of immigration. 

‘The sea, boats, and trade routes are regular parts of the refugee and migrant experience’—Trade Winds (2018) by Susan Stockwell, UK


1962年,一位英國婦女瑪麗·霍爾姆斯(Mary Holmes)與她的農夫丈夫和五個孩子一起從紐波特移民到澳大利亞。那時,根據英國的移民計劃,成年人只需支付10英鎊就可以到新目的地,而她的孩子則可以免費去。

當他們最終在新的國家 - 澳大利亞定居下來時,瑪麗在第二年寫下了一首詩:




當你鼓勵人們勇敢地做某事時,你會說'天空是極限'; 但對於難民來說,海洋確實是極限。不知道他們能夠擁有什麼樣的希望,難民們正在考慮著遷移到一個新的目的地國家。


分享您一個難民主題展覽:“海是極限”正由約克美術館舉辦. 11位國際藝術家共同展示他們的作品,描繪了難民在移民過程中的困境。

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