Saturday 11 August 2018

South Bay Beach -- Summer in Scarborough

People in York tell me that I have experienced the coldest and hottest moments of this year. Yes, we are now still in the mid-summer time, despite increasing chilliness in the late evening. Many people enjoy outdoor activities, canoeing, hiking or picnicking. A beach holiday is always listed on the most popular tours in the UK, especially during summer. 

South Bay Beach in Scarborough, North Yorkshire, is a pace that offers fine, soft sand and calm bathing water, perfect for sunbathing on, as well as sports and sandcastles! 

Along the coastlines, the history of Scarborough has the elements of pirates, the Castle Headland, and the harbor, making the beach a favourite with visitors and locals alike.


Apart from exploring Scarborough's history in Scarborough Castle and the Rotunda Museum of geology, you could have a birdview to the seafront by standing at the vantage point in the castle, to enjoy the summer breeze gently kiss your face.

I was also watching an interesting live show there.

Explore the website to find out more.
南灣海灘...... Scarborough的夏天
約克人告訴我,我今年已經歷了最冷,最熱的時刻。 是的,我們現在還在盛夏中期,儘管在傍晚時期會增加寒冷。 許多人喜歡戶外活動,划獨木舟,徒步旅行或野餐。 海灘度假總是列在英國最受歡迎的旅遊中,特別是在夏季。

位於北約克郡Scarborough的南灣海灘,擁有精緻,柔軟的沙灘和平靜的游泳水,非常適合日光浴,還有運動和堆砌沙堡! 沿著海岸線,Scarborough的歷史擁有海盜,城堡岬角和海港的元素,使海灘成為遊客和當地人的最愛。





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