Wednesday 27 March 2019

Trip to Stuttgart (4) Stadtbibliothek Stuttgart

My last but not least mission in Stuttgart is to visit the City Library, which is on my must-see lists since I am a library fan.

The cube-shaped building was designed by Professor Eun Young Yi—a Korean-born architect practising in Germany. For me, it looks like a brain maze, within which we wander around a complicated system of paths or passages which are laid out different kinds of books in a logical way.

Interestingly, this museum has some collections of Japanese comic books.  

A colourful children area.  

It is a big hippocampus-a major component of the brains of humans and other vertebrates-plays important roles in the consolidation of information from short-term memory to long-term memory, and in spatial memory that enables navigation.

Magazines are inside these boxes

A place you can do nothing but looking outside from a window.

Just as the hippocampus situates in the human brain, you can see that the library structure is an object that is built and outreaches in the context of symmetry.

knowledge and inspiration are as the endless spring water on the ground floor

Stadtbibliothek Stuttgart 斯圖加特的城市圖書館

這座立方體形建築由韓國出生的德國建築師Eun Young Yi教授設計。 對我來說,它看起來像一個大腦迷宮,在其中我們漫步在一個複雜的路徑或通道系統中,以合乎邏輯的方式佈置不同類型的書籍。

就我來看, 它是一個巨大的海馬體 - 人類和其他脊椎動物的大腦的一個主要組成部分 - 在從短期記憶到長期記憶的信息整合以及能夠導航的空間記憶中起著重要作用。


Trip to Stuttgart (3) Mercedes-Benz Museum

Having had my yummy lunch, I kept going to my next destination: Mercedes-Benz Museum. At first, I was wondering whether it is necessary for me to visit this museum on the same day after experiencing Porsche’s stunning beauty. However, Mercedes-Benz has different styles and I am glad I made my trip there.

“I thought I know Benz enough, actually, I know nothing about it until I visited the museum”. 

It is not surprising that I thought I know Benz a lot before the visiting as I have seen many of them more than Porsches on TV ads, magazines, streets, including private-owned, company cars and even taxis. However, They are just a small part of Benz’s masterpieces. 
The first legend: 1885 Daimler riding car
1889 Motorized quadricycle-the wire-wheel car
1894 Benz Victoria 

1896 Daimler Vis-à-Vis belt-driven car
1889 1.5 hp Daimler two-cylinder engine
A spaceship-like elevator caught my eyes immediately after entering the museum. I walked directly to take the elevator without any hesitation, and I was right. The best way to go through its history and all the stories of Mercedes-Benz is from the top level down to the ground floor and finished at the shop store.

1902 Mercedes-Simplex 40 PS

Same to Porsche, Benz is named by its inventor: Carl Benz. The museum gives both nostalgic and modern technologic vibes. By displaying more than 160 vehicles of all Benz types, ranging from the oldest automobiles in the past to legendary racing cars and ‘mobility of the future’ under research.
Benz designs aeroplane engines as well 

commercial cars such as school bus, lorry, and truck

Mercedes-Benz 500K Special Roadster

Mercedes-Benz 300 SLR: the hardtop version of the 300 SLR racing car

1964 Mercedes-Benz 230 SL: the world first sports car with a sturdy passenger cell and crumple zones 

Mercedes-Benz 170 SL CABRIOLET B

Solar Car

I am so glad I have been here to witness the glory legend. However, if you ask me  Porsche and Benz, which one is superior to the other, I will say, they cannot be mentioned in the same breath! In terms of function and distinctiveness, you definitely can put them on the best list.

吃過美味的午餐後,我繼續前往下一個目的地:Mercedes-Benz 博物館。起初,我想知道是否有必要在體驗保時捷令人驚豔的美麗後的同一天參觀這個博物館。然而,Mercedes-Benz 有不同的風格,我很高興我去那裡旅行。

我以為我在參觀博物館館之前對Benz了解很多,這並不是很驚訝的事,因為我在電視廣告,雜誌,街道,包括私人擁有的,公司的汽車甚至出租車上都看到了許多Benz, Porsches更多。然而,它們只是Benz傑作的一小部分。


與保時捷相同,Mercedes-Benz的發明者是Carl Benz。博物館既有懷舊又有現代技術的氛圍。透過展示所有Mercedes-Benz類型的160多輛車,包括從過去最古老的汽車到傳奇的賽車和正在研究中的未來車。

我很高興我來到這裡見證了榮耀的傳說。但是,如果你問我保時捷或奔馳哪一個優於另一個,我會說,它們不能相提並論, 以性能及獨特性來說,您絕對可以將它們列入最佳名.

Tuesday 26 March 2019

Trip to Stuttgart (2) German Cuisine:Schnitzel

Schnitzel at Sportrestaurant Neuwirtshaus

After visiting the Porsche Museum, I ate my German lunch in a nearby restaurant, where quite closes to the main road and Google map shows that it only 18-min walk from the museum. However, half of my walking way to there is without the sidewalk. Finally, I turned left and walked into a village, finding that this special restaurant surrounded by trees and cars. Although I cannot speak German, I have prepared the meal picture —Schnitzel in advance for helping me ordering food. 

indulge in the meal 

'The Trail' 

The restaurant was busy on a Sunday noon. Obviously, it is a popular one among the locals.   I sat outside to enjoy the sunshine weather and the meal. After that, I even found a surprising beautiful route to go back to the train station next to the museum. 

Google map does not tell you about all the information; ‘the trail’, which led me from the top of the hill connecting to the ground. I then realised the restaurant is stood at the hill.

Back to the ground road
參觀了保時捷博物館後,我在附近的一家餐館吃了我的德國午餐,這家餐館離主幹道很近,谷歌地圖顯示距離博物館只有18分鐘的步行路程。 然而,我去那裡的一半路是沒有人行道的。 最後,我左轉走進一個村莊,發現這個被樹木和汽車環繞著的特殊的餐廳。 雖然我不會說德語,但我提前準備了食物圖片--Schnitzel,以幫助我點餐。

餐廳週日中午很忙。 顯然,它在當地人中很受歡迎。 我坐在外面享受陽光的天氣和用餐。 在那之後,我甚至找到了一條令人驚訝的美麗路線,回到博物館旁邊的火車站。 Google地圖不會告訴您所有資料; '小道',它引導我從山頂連接到地面。 然後我意識到餐廳正站在山上。