Wednesday 27 March 2019

Trip to Stuttgart (4) Stadtbibliothek Stuttgart

My last but not least mission in Stuttgart is to visit the City Library, which is on my must-see lists since I am a library fan.

The cube-shaped building was designed by Professor Eun Young Yi—a Korean-born architect practising in Germany. For me, it looks like a brain maze, within which we wander around a complicated system of paths or passages which are laid out different kinds of books in a logical way.

Interestingly, this museum has some collections of Japanese comic books.  

A colourful children area.  

It is a big hippocampus-a major component of the brains of humans and other vertebrates-plays important roles in the consolidation of information from short-term memory to long-term memory, and in spatial memory that enables navigation.

Magazines are inside these boxes

A place you can do nothing but looking outside from a window.

Just as the hippocampus situates in the human brain, you can see that the library structure is an object that is built and outreaches in the context of symmetry.

knowledge and inspiration are as the endless spring water on the ground floor

Stadtbibliothek Stuttgart 斯圖加特的城市圖書館

這座立方體形建築由韓國出生的德國建築師Eun Young Yi教授設計。 對我來說,它看起來像一個大腦迷宮,在其中我們漫步在一個複雜的路徑或通道系統中,以合乎邏輯的方式佈置不同類型的書籍。

就我來看, 它是一個巨大的海馬體 - 人類和其他脊椎動物的大腦的一個主要組成部分 - 在從短期記憶到長期記憶的信息整合以及能夠導航的空間記憶中起著重要作用。


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