Tuesday 30 April 2019

Summer trip to Edinburgh I : Scottish National pride 馬雅各到臺灣

Several years ago, I visited Edinburg in Christmas time. It was the first time I saw Scottish Blackface, Scottish clothing, listened to the Scottish Great Highland bagpipes, tasted free whisky at the Whisky factory, as well as visited Edinburgh Castle. It was very unique and different from other places in the UK. However, at that time, I was not realized that Scotland is actually a ‘country’ to be part of the UK, not just an area.

Last weekend, I was in Edinburg again to explore its summer scenery. I visited some local Taiwanese migrants and had a whole new experience of Scotland through their introductions.  
First, they mention a big name in Scottish history- James Laidlaw Maxwell, who had strong ties to Taiwan. Dr Maxwell studied medicine at the University of Edinburgh. In 1864, he served in the church and was sent to Taiwan by the Presbyterian Church of England to practice both medical and missionary. He arrived at Takao firstly and then went to Tainan to establish the first Western hospital and the first Presbyterian church in Taiwan. 
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Laidlaw_Maxwell

About British in Takao, please click here to link my website.

This reminds me that the Scottish Enlightenment in 18th- and early-19th-century was featured by an outpouring of intellectual and scientific accomplishments. Therefore, it formed a new middle-class elite who engaged in charity activities and academic discussions; Intellectual life revolved around a series of clubs, beginning in Edinburgh in the 1710s. By the 18th century, Scotland had a network of parish schools in the Lowlands and four universities, becoming the most civilized area in the whole UK. 

Given that, it definitely became a point of pride for the country!
As such, I walked to the University of Edinburgh, which is founded in 1582 and is the sixth oldest university in the English-speaking world and one of Scotland's ancient universities. Along my way, there are magnificent churches nearby Princes Street. 



首先,他們提到了蘇格蘭歷史上的一個大名 - 漢名:馬雅各,他與台灣有很強的關聯。 Maxwell醫生在愛丁堡大學學習醫學。 1864年,他在教堂任職,並被英格蘭長老會教會派往台灣,從事醫療和傳教工作。他先抵達高雄,然後去台南建立了臺灣第一家西方醫院(台南新樓醫院)和台灣第一所長老會教堂。




於是, 我走到了愛丁堡大學,該大學成立於1582年,是英語世界第六古老的大學,也是蘇格蘭古老的大學之一。在我的路上,王子街附近有宏偉的教堂。

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