Tuesday 30 April 2019

Summer trip to Edinburgh III: River Almond Walkway

My Taiwanese friend organized a walking tour along the River Almond walkway, which takes us around 3 hours. We took the bus from the city centre and then gather at the Almond Hotel with other Taiwanese living in Edinburgh. 

The weather was pretty sunny, and after half an hour, there is the striking Cramond Falls, quite ‘Niagra’ and it’s definitely fresh on a summer’s day in the green forest. 

In the sequent path, there are many ‘wild garlic’ on the grounds of the forest so that all the air is full of a combination of herbs and plants, together with steams.

We also passed by the interesting Cammo Estate and took a little break there, the place is now a country park. 

While I am writing this blog and checking more information for understanding this surprising wonderful trip; I noticed that this walkway has been deemed as a secret spot or an expert hiking tour by some on website. Lucky!

我的愛丁堡台灣移民朋友舉辦了1個沿著杏仁河步行遊覽,往返大約需要3個小時。 天氣非常晴朗,半小時後,有一個引人注目的Cramond瀑布,相當'尼加拉瓜',在夏季的綠色森林裡,它絕對是視覺新鮮的。

我們還經過了有趣的Cammo Estate  - 它現在是一個鄉村公園。



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