Tuesday 30 April 2019

Summer trip to Edinburgh IV: Prince Street: shopping, museums, gardens

The dynamic of Princes Street offers multiple functions for citizens and tourists.

It is the major thoroughfares in central Edinburgh, Scotland, and the main shopping area in the capital. Unlike many high streets are occupied by a lot of shops, Princes Street has two sides of its face with very different views. One side is for bustling shopping, ancient glorious architectures and gardens are its another side.


One of the most impressive characteristics is the width of the sidewalk is designed as big as that of the lane. Walking is enjoyable! 

Second, opposite to a whole street of stores is the large Prince Street Garden which is gracefully integrated into the urban scenery. In this park, some statues and stones there are enshrined to respect the sacrifice of past warfare.

Moreover, Princes Street is located in the New Town area, while the Old Town area—
The home to Edinburgh Castle— is just within a few minutes’ walking distances. Just head up, Edinburgh Castle can be viewed in the air, and allure you to walk into his ancient history.
This checkerboard street system expresses an inherent noble dignity, which is built on and accumulated by their glorious culture. I can imagine numerous tourists coming from all over the world enjoy this city during the annual Edinburgh international festival (in August). In addition, Queen street seems to reach to the seaside at the end with a slight downhill, reminding me of San Francisco streets. 
Museums are also around the corner for you to read their stories and collections, while I do not have enough time to go through everything this time. 

One interesting thing I especially have to mention here. That is, Primark is a chain store in the UK, while only the Primark in Edinburgh offers unique T-shirts with Edinburgh Castle image on it. And I got one now.  

Last but not the least thing, when I walk into a restaurant with my Taiwanese friend, she told the waiter I am from England, suddenly the waiter refused to serve me. Surely, we were just playing a serious joke, we know the difference between Scotland and England, and I do respect Scottish national identity according to their history, governmental policy, people, language, and culture.
Yes, it is absolutely different from other nations in the UK. And Taiwanese migrants have strong integration into this national and social identity, they are very pride of being Scottish. When I drank Scottish water, my Taiwanese friend told me that is from the extinct volcano in the Scottish Highlands. Awesome! I can feel that and happy for them as I have become a fan of Scotland after this trip.

它是蘇格蘭愛丁堡市中心的主要通道,也是首都的主要購物區。與許多商店佔據的許多高街不同,王子街的兩面都有不同的視角。 一面是繁華的購物,古老的輝煌建築和花園則是另一面。

最令人印象深刻的特徵之一是人行道的寬度設計與車道的寬度一樣大。 散步很愉快!

其次,與整條街道相對的是很大的王子街花園,它優雅地融入了城市風景。 在這個公園裡,有一些雕像和石頭供奉,以尊重過去戰爭的犧牲。




最後但並非最不重要的是,當我和我的台灣朋友走進一家餐館時,她告訴服務員我來自英格蘭,服務員突然拒絕為我服務。當然,我們只是在開一個嚴肅的玩笑,我們知道蘇格蘭和英格蘭之間的區別,根據他們的歷史,政府政策,人民,語言和文化, 我確實尊重蘇格蘭民族的身份認同,


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