Tuesday 26 March 2019

Trip to Stuttgart (1) Das Porsche Museum

March is the season to kick off the Springtime. it’s clear that the –the daffodils are blooming along the ancient York city walls—the signalling of the start of spring. When I travelled to Italy in January, the customs officer at the airport enquired me: 

“What is the purpose of travel? “ 
“Escaping Winter blue”. I said.
You can't go wrong with this answer. This time, for a trip in March, my answer is: “spring is coming!”. 

In fact, I have more than one options for travelling destinations in March. Saint Patrick's Day is the Irish party celebrated in Dublin and the world over. This year, it even combined with the local traditional Guinness and Irish whisky. March, is my birthday month as well, what can be my dream spot destination? I wish to explore something different. 

Stuttgart suddenly came to my mind.  

Why Stuttgart?
Porsche and Mercedes-Benz: masterpieces of the human being
I still remembered that when I was just graduated from the University, One of my classmates talked about his future dreams and told me that, ‘if I have my first one million dollars, I am going to buy a man’s dream car—Benz. How come a car can be a man’s dream? What is the dream car for women? 
Porsche 911 Carrera 3.2 Speedster Studie
Stuttgart may be not that special to you, but it now has some meanings to me. I can visit two of the most spectacular car museums in the world: the Porsche and Mercedes museums to sense and realise the image of high-tech complexity, profession and quality, which constitutes a man’s dream--a symbol of adult maturity, security and success. And thanks to these two high-end manufactures, I heard about the living cost of Stuttgart is the most expensive in Germany. 
Porsche Museum Sky

Mercedes-Benz Museum Sky
No need to say, today’s Porsche and Mercedes are not only men’s dream cars. My female friend in Taiwan suggested me to buy one Mercedes-Benz through our internet communication when she knew my trip plan. But it is because the car price of Benz in Europe is much cheaper than that in Taiwan. However, I can only promise to buy two toy model cars for both of us when I visit Mercedes car museum. Indeed, the British Mini Cooper Countryman is my cup of tea! 

Here are some photo collections of my visits to these two museums: 

Das Porsche Museum 

affordable ticket: 8 Euros for an adult 

winning awards 

Porsche 911 SC “San Remo”

It is easy to explore the history of all Porsche cars as they are displayed in a chronological way.

The car designers and founders of Porsche—Ferdinand Porsche and Ferry Porsche (1909-1998).  Ferdinand Porsche (1875-1951) was hired by an electric company in Vienna, after 4 years he began to design wheel-hub engine; in 1993, he received contracts to design racing cars. In 1948, the first sports car with the name of Porsche is made. His son Ferry Porsche follows in his father’s footsteps to engage in the design of Porsche.

Porsche Type 597 Jagdwagen

Feel the sound

Feel the start of the engine

professional introduction
三月是春季開始的季節。 很明顯地,水仙花沿著古老的約克城牆綻放 - 這是春天開始的訊號。我一月份時去了義大利機場海關官員問我"旅行的目的是什麼?"
"逃離冬天的幽鬱”。 我說。這個答案不會讓你出錯。對於三月份的旅行, 我會回說:“春天來了!”

事實上,我在三月份有多個旅遊目的地選擇。 聖派翠節是在都柏林和世界各地慶祝的愛爾蘭派對。 今年,它甚至還結合了當地傳統的吉尼斯和愛爾蘭威士忌。 三月,也是我的生日月,有什麼可以成為我的夢想目的地? 我希望探索不同的東西。 斯圖加特突然浮現了我的腦海。

我還記得當我剛從大學畢業時,我的一個同學談到了他未來的夢想並告訴我,“如果我有第一百萬美元,我將買一輛男人的夢想車 - 奔馳。怎麼會一輛車可以成為男人的夢想?女人的夢幻車種又是什麼?

斯圖加特對你來說可能並不那麼特別,但它現在對我有一些意義。首先,我可以參觀世界上最壯觀的兩個汽車博物館:保時捷和梅賽德斯博物館,感受和實現高科技複雜性,專業和品質的形象,這構成了男人的夢想 大人成熟,安全和成功的象徵。由於這兩家高端製造商,我聽說斯圖加特的生活成本是德國最貴的。

更不用說,今天的保時捷和梅賽德斯不僅是男士夢寐以求的車型。我在台灣的女性朋友甚至在網路聊天時聽到我要去看車建議我購買一輛奔馳。但其部分原因是奔馳在歐洲的汽車價格遠低於台灣。不管怎樣, 當我訪問梅賽德斯汽車博物館時,我只能答應為我們兩個買兩輛玩具模型車。事實上, 英國Mini Cooper Countryman才是我的型車!以下是一些這次參觀這2個博物館的照片. 

您可以輕鬆地探索所有保時捷汽車的歷史,因為它們按時間順序展示。 保時捷的汽車設計師和創始人 - Ferdinand Porsche1875-1951Ferry Porsche1909-1998)。 Ferdinand Porsche在維也納的一家電力公司聘用,4年後他開始設計輪轂發動機; 1993年,他獲得了設計賽車的合同。 1948年,製造出第一輛名為保時捷的跑車。 他的兒子Ferry Porsche1909-1998)跟隨他父親的腳步從事保時捷的設計。

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