Tuesday 26 March 2019

Trip to Stuttgart (2) German Cuisine:Schnitzel

Schnitzel at Sportrestaurant Neuwirtshaus

After visiting the Porsche Museum, I ate my German lunch in a nearby restaurant, where quite closes to the main road and Google map shows that it only 18-min walk from the museum. However, half of my walking way to there is without the sidewalk. Finally, I turned left and walked into a village, finding that this special restaurant surrounded by trees and cars. Although I cannot speak German, I have prepared the meal picture —Schnitzel in advance for helping me ordering food. 

indulge in the meal 

'The Trail' 

The restaurant was busy on a Sunday noon. Obviously, it is a popular one among the locals.   I sat outside to enjoy the sunshine weather and the meal. After that, I even found a surprising beautiful route to go back to the train station next to the museum. 

Google map does not tell you about all the information; ‘the trail’, which led me from the top of the hill connecting to the ground. I then realised the restaurant is stood at the hill.

Back to the ground road
參觀了保時捷博物館後,我在附近的一家餐館吃了我的德國午餐,這家餐館離主幹道很近,谷歌地圖顯示距離博物館只有18分鐘的步行路程。 然而,我去那裡的一半路是沒有人行道的。 最後,我左轉走進一個村莊,發現這個被樹木和汽車環繞著的特殊的餐廳。 雖然我不會說德語,但我提前準備了食物圖片--Schnitzel,以幫助我點餐。

餐廳週日中午很忙。 顯然,它在當地人中很受歡迎。 我坐在外面享受陽光的天氣和用餐。 在那之後,我甚至找到了一條令人驚訝的美麗路線,回到博物館旁邊的火車站。 Google地圖不會告訴您所有資料; '小道',它引導我從山頂連接到地面。 然後我意識到餐廳正站在山上。

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