Saturday 29 February 2020

Black Swan Event?

Earlier this month, the Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition was just announced. A photo with two mice fighting over a scrap of food under the subway (Source: BBC). 
Sam Rowley spent five nights flat on the platform trying to get his picture (Source: BBC)

Moreover, due to fears over coronavirus and its impacts on the economy, on 24 Feb, the Dow Jones Industrial Average tumbled 1031.61 points, while the S&P 500 was off 3.4%. Such the financial crisis has been tagged as ‘Black Swan’ in social media to describe an unpredictable event that is beyond what is normally expected of a situation and bring about potentially severe consequences.
Are these animals really connected to negative things? Fair enough, some artists have made these ‘bad guys’ become more adorable. Walt Disney created Mickey Mouse which is very popular among all ages of people. So do American comic books and Hollywood movies; they made efforts to contribute to a positive image of the Batman-a superhero living in a city.
I follow Leonardo DiCaprio Instagram not because of his hot movie but because of his role as U.N. Messenger of Peace. He often calls for people's love and respect for natural resources and cherish what we have now, reminding that we need to pay our concerns to the danger of extinctions among specific animals which were suffering from climate change, the California wildfires and the lately Australia fires.

Last Saturday, I went out in very chilly weather to take some wildlife photographs. After one-day observations and taking photos, I then realized different animals have their different living behaviors, including the timing of seeking food, the preference of group gathering, and the destination choice of making a nest. This brought me about more understanding of the natural and appreciated all the beauty of the wildlife surrounding us.

To keep a good distance from animals and to avoid additional disturbance, a camera long-focus lens is needed. The lens of my camera is not long enough, and my photography skills still need to get improved; nevertheless, my love for natural wildlife has definitely leveled up. 


再來, 由於擔心冠狀病毒及其對經濟的影響,224日,道瓊斯工業平均指數下跌1031.61點,而標準普爾500指數下跌3.4%。此類金融危機在社交媒體上已被標記為黑天鵝,用以描述超出正常情況預期的不可預測事件,並可能帶來嚴重後果。

這些動物真的都跟壞事物相關連嗎?還好夠公平,一些藝術家使這些壞蛋變得更加可愛。華德迪斯尼(Walt Disney)創造了米老鼠(Mickey Mouse),該老鼠在所有年齡層的人中,都非常受歡迎。美國漫畫書和好萊塢電影也是如此。他們努力為塑造蝙蝠俠-這個居住在城市中的超級英雄的正面形像做出貢獻。
我關注林奧納多(Leonardo DiCaprio)的Instagram不是因為他的熱門電影,而是因為他擔任聯合國和平使者。他常呼籲人們對自然資源的熱愛和尊重,珍惜我們現在擁有的東西,提醒我們需要對遭受氣候變化,加利福尼亞州野火和最近澳大利亞大火的特定動物滅絕的危險表示關注。



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