Saturday 29 July 2017

Therapy Dogs ^^

Many people believe that dogs are born to be human’s loyal friends. I once questioned that why homeless people beg money from others by keeping a dog to take advantage of people’s kindness. Local people tell me that homeless people need company. Yes, I agree! But then I worried about how they keep dogs clean? They answered me the homeless can wash dogs and themselves in the Brighton beach. That's reasonable as Brighton is really a city loves dog so much (evidence as my blog).
After educating and training, the dog is more than playing a pet role. Aside from keeping doors for owners, they can serve as officers in helping detecting drugs in the airport; they can lead the blind in the street; more interesting, they function as therapists to comfort people, such as little children, cancer patients.

Almost everyone faces challenges every day. Under the pressure of study, economy, working or illiness may harm your mental and physical health. The church nicely arranges a therapy dog meeting for us, offering a harmonic, smiling and love moment for dogs and people (Don’t know how dogs think about this idea? But we do have fun and try to please them, in fact.). 
The process of training, evaluation, certification, registration, service and emotional support for dogs is never so easy. As such, I can see their owners are very proud of and cherish dogs from telling us their stories (just like their babies).

Most these therapy dogs invited today are well-trained to stay calm and allowed to be touched by strangers.

Only the young puppy (the 13 weeks puppy, again, like a kid) run around everywhere and tried to tease the old one to play with him. 

Love dogs and cannot find a way to keep them in England?
A British organisation: BORROWMYDOGGY aims to share love and the care of dogs with those who cannot have. To be kind, to be calm, to be strong, to be you have the characteristics of being therapy typed person? 
BBC reports Taiwan's Police Puppy: Click here
My Lulu



Sunday 23 July 2017

Summer Rock Music Night!!

Over four decades after the Beatles split, their songs are still everlasting in the music history.

I don’t know much about the Beatles until I visited the Beatles Story in Liverpool where they origin.

Today, when it comes to the UK music, the Beatles is still the remarkable icon and unforgettable paradigm.

Punk rock is another cultural legacy developed in the early to mid-1970s in the UK and popular in London by late 1976. But nowadays I don’t see any one play Punk music or dress up like that on the street in the UK.

But this summer, I suddenly become one of the band - Chorusgirl + Jetstream Pony  fans.

This band’s music has stylish lyrics composed by the singer. They came to sing at Rialto Theatre in Brighton, and begin the tour concert among many cities in the UK.

It is glad to have this opportunity to enjoy the music.

In particular, the drummer is one of classmates and that has made some of us become basic fans before attendance, it of course allows me to videotape the wonderful highlights! 

但今年夏天,我突然成為樂團 - Chorusgirl + Jetstream Pony的粉絲。這個樂團的音樂是歌手自已創作個性歌詞。他們來到Brighton的里亞托劇院,開始在英國許多城市開始巡迴演唱會。很高興有機會享受這個音樂會。特別是,鼓手是同學之一,讓我們一些人在參加前就成了基本粉絲,當然還允許我錄製精彩的show亮點!
The Beatles Story:

Sunday 16 July 2017

Knock! Knock! Welcome Summer in Romance

Personalising your space and defining your style! 

Many people think that only the rich have the ability to own a front garden or a backyard in the house. It is not always the truth. 
With continuing sunshine, drizzle, and breeze, plants and flowers have growing well in midsummer England. How about creating a small space with a big idea to make your door look amazing and welcome visitors in a delightful mood?

You can be a good green-finger to decorate a nice summer door to catch up people’s eyes when they pass by the house. Here are some such romance I found at Brighton. 

In particular, this solar-powered-bulb garden has its electricity-saving utility as the colourful bulbs hanging on the trees function as a solar energy generation station. It is functional, chic and ‘powerful’ as the sun is from 5 am to 9 pm right now. 
Interestingly, recently there is also a small moving space with a romantic and carzy idea reported by BBC: a Taiwanese forest bus. (Click to see: Source: BBC News). 

Gardening is a professional work. Being a good plant carer, it is better look at what plants are for sun and what are for shade and semi-shade before startup, sustaining the beauty longer all the year round. 

給自己個人化的空間及打造一個樣式! 許多人認為,只有富人才有能力在房子裡擁有前花園或後院。這並不一定總是這樣。何不試著在小空間裡設計出好點子讓你的門看起來很讚,用著快樂的心情迎接訪客?



另外,還有一個小空間狂想法是臺灣花園公車:有植物和花園的公車,載著人在城市跑。 (資料來源:BBC新聞)


Sunday 9 July 2017

Tower of London

Two famous iconic London landmarks have often confused many tourists from all over the world – to mistake Tower Bridge for London Bridge. I was once one of them. 
Tower Bridge
Source: Google Map
London Bridge  (Source:
However, due to 2017 Wimbledon, I had a chance to meet my Taiwanese friend who made a long flight to watch Roger Federer in this game in London, and we visited Tower of London together in the weekend. That really helps me to distinguish Tower bridge & London Bridge.

Tower of London is in the core location of London, telling its importance in the British history, as the introduction described, “London’s castle - a secure fortress, royal palace and infamous prison. “

Although the ticket from £22 Pounds (for students) to £26 (for adults), even higher than Louver in Paris, is a bit stunning, Tower of London is home to the most famous and prominent landmarks in the UK with the Royal treasure (royal crowns and bishop’s crosiers) inside there. 

A secure fortress:
It is a place full of historic stories, be they glory or sorrow. 

Apart of the armoury exhibition, they host live historical events in the castle square. 

 Visitors can engage in such a play and live show to recall the past history. 

A royal palace
The highlights in this palace is to see the dazzling, breathtaking, world famous collection of the Royal jewelry, which up to 23,578 gemstones and are still used in royal ceremonies today (Not allowed to take photos).

An infamous prison
All the royal families who have power and money beyond the people inevitably face their own issues, such as love betray, competition for the throne, leading to two young princes were secretly killed and buried in the base room.

It takes half a day to visit Tower of London, and after that, only five-minute walking distance to the famous Tower Bridge, which some warships display on The River Thames.

Walking on Tower Bridge, now you stand opposite to the Tower of London, it becomes easy to use your imagination to connect historic stories with a great battling fortress as a whole picture. 

Therefore, how to tell London Bridge from Tower Bridge will never bother you anymore. 

(Click to know more about Tower of London)

兩個著名的標誌性倫敦地標時常使來自世界各地的許多遊客搞不清楚 (倫敦) 塔橋弄錯成倫敦橋。我曾經是其中之一。


倫敦塔是在倫敦的核心位置,講述了英國歷史上的重要性,如同介紹形容的“倫敦城堡”是一座1) 安全的堡壘,2) 皇宮和3) 臭名昭彰的監獄。"

雖然票價從英鎊22(學生)到26英鎊(成人),甚至比巴黎的羅浮宮高,有點嚇人, 但是倫敦塔是英國最著名和最顯赫的地標之一,擁有皇家寶藏在裡面(皇冠和主教的交叉)。




