Friday 26 July 2019

Summer addiction in London: Kew Garden

In the final week of my one-month London Life, I headed for Kew Garden - one of my favourite places in London.
Rose Garden
Palm Hosue Parterre
Being a nature lover, it was my second time to visit it since many years ago, and it is still very appealing to me. 

Except for its Temperate House, Palm House, Rose Garden, etc (better have a map before exploration), there is a summer special at its moment open until 27 October: the beauty of Chihuly

Temperate House:

Palm House:

Desert plants:

 Waterlily House:

Treetop Walkway:

Sackler Crossing:

Japanese Gateway:

Natural area:

Princess of Wales Conservatory:

Dale Chihuly, an American glass sculptor and entrepreneur, is currently hosting an exhibition at this Royal Botanic Gardens—Reflections on nature. Several iconic artworks and inspiring settings are displayed on-site as part of a summer festival at Kew. 

I spent half a whole day there and tried to walk into every corner, eventually, I have not finished yet. Two places where I especially find interesting are Rock Garden and Kitchen Garden. 
Rock Garden:

Kitchen Garden:

The Hive at Kew is another interesting spot that is worthy to know how the activity of real bees in a beehive communicating with each other.
Having had an amazing day there. In the future, I do wish I can learn gardening to make my own English-style gardens. In fact, neither words nor photos can express natural beauty!


在我為期一個月的倫敦生活的最後一周,我前往Kew Garden
作為一個自然愛好者,這是我多年前第二次訪問它,它仍然非常吸引我。 除了它最初的溫度屋,棕櫚屋,玫瑰園等,這個時刻還有夏季特別活動開放到1027日:Chihuly的美麗。

Dale Chihuly是一位美國玻璃雕塑家和企業家,目前正在這個皇家植物園舉辦一場展覽 - 關於自然的思考。 作為夏季節日在Kew的一部分,現場展示了幾個標誌性的藝術作品和鼓舞人心的環境。

我在那待上快一整天,並試圖走進每個角落,結果,我還沒有全走完。 我特別感興趣的兩個地方是岩石花園和廚房花園。 


那裡度過了美好的一天。 在將來,我希望我可以學習園藝,以建立自己的英式花園。事實上,無論是文字還是照片都無法表達出自然美。