Friday 26 July 2019

Brixton in South London: A Multi-Ethnic Community

I visited Brixton in my first week in London. When I stepped out of the tube station, I was a little bit shocked by its buzzing vibes—full of colours, buses, sounds, scents, peoples and exotic food. Like a bumpkin, I felt a little bit scary. 

Indeed, I have spent most of my time in the UK in ancient York, where the atmosphere is quite opposite to such a city scene. 

After a better understanding of Brixton via the introduction by an artist, I then was able to appreciate this area through a different lens. This energetic lifestyle has gradually set up by a group of creatives who have been moving into this community in recent years. 

Brixton’s relatively cheap cost in housing and living, as well as its potential possibility and acceptance in creating something new, are the keys to today’s multiple art performance. It should not be defined as ‘subculture’ only; instead, I see this culture as a dominated influence in this area, making Brixton more appealing to visit.

Brixton in the South London was once a relatively poor area. Nowadays it is featured by a mix of markets, nightlife and multiculturalism. It is also well known as a place for Caribbean-origin migrant descendants and young hipsters. 

The city was bustling with life. Although I have a short stay there, its active energy already impressed me. The local artist told me that, ‘here we have the best live Jazz in the pub in London’. I have added that in my London wishlist. I wish I can make it next time.

當我在倫敦的第一個星期訪問布里克斯頓並走出地鐵站時,我對它充滿色彩,公共汽車,聲音,氣味,人物和異國情調的食物的嗡嗡聲感到震驚。 像一個土包子,我覺得有點可怕。 事實上,我大部分時間都在英國古城約克度過,那裡的氛圍與這樣的城市景觀完全相反。


Brixton相對便宜的住房和生活成本,以及創造新事物的潛在可能性和接受度,是當今多種藝術表現的關鍵。 它不應該只被定義為“亞文化”; 相反,我認為這種文化在這一領域具有主導作用,使布里克斯頓更有吸引力。



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