Friday 26 July 2019

Green spaces in London

When people ask about what subjects he/her should learn in the UK, I always recommend two main professional fields: horticulture and ancient architecture conservation, especially the construction and maintenance of the church ceiling. 
York Minster
Hammersmith street
There are so many to-do things in London. In the chilly winter, I prefer to spend time visiting historical buildings or indoor museums to keep me warm. However, currently the summer weather is pleasantly warm, I have seen many people enjoy the sunshine outside, either drinking or picnicking. There are lots of parks and gardens in London around the corner for people to feel easy and escape the buzzing city life.

A few days ago, I was on the western edge of Central London. I wandered around several parks with my friend. We started from Holland Park with my question ‘whether we can find any Dutch tulip there? The answer is NO after the visit. As Holland Park is located in Kensington area, we continued to walk to Kensington Palace and gardens and reached to Hyde Park.

If you check Google Map, you will find they are almost conjoint in central London. From the afternoon to the evening, we took a slow pace to stroll in the green fields. As my friend had a very late party last night, she returned home earlier. I decided to keep walking to the next park. I just cannot stop! It was like a big green puzzle that intrigued my desire to pick up every puzzle piece in this green area to make up a whole picture. 
Kensington Palace & Gardens: a place to keep Princess Diana's memory alive

Finally, when I reached to Green Park, my natural green city-walk ended up encountering a colourful event: 2019 London's iconic Pride parade near Piccadilly circus. 

Afterwards, when I check Holland Park’s history, I find that it is not featured by tulips but dahlias which were ever successfully grown by its second owner, the Earl of Holland and his wife. I will hope to look for these flowers next time when I visit there.


倫敦有很多事可以作. 在寒冷的冬天,我花較多的時間參觀一些歷史建築或博物館,讓我保持溫暖。 現在夏天的天氣溫暖宜人,我看到很多人都喜歡戶外的陽光,無論是喝酒還是野餐。 倫敦附近有許多公園和花園,讓人們感到輕鬆,遠離喧囂的城市生活。

幾天前,我在倫敦市中心的西邊,和朋友在幾個公園閒逛。 我們從荷蘭公園隨著我的問題“那裡有荷蘭鬱金香嗎開始 在現場參觀後得知答案是'沒有的'。 由於荷蘭公園位於肯辛頓地區,我們繼續步行前往肯辛頓宮和花園,並前往海德公園。

如果您查看Google地圖,您會發現他們幾乎在倫敦市中心相連一帶。 從下午到晚上,我們慢慢地在綠色的草地裡漫步。 我的朋友後來回家了,而我決定繼續走到下一個公園。 我無法停止!它就像一個綠色的大拼圖,激發了我想要拿起每個拼圖來構成整個畫面的願望。


順便說一下,現在當我查看荷蘭公園的歷史時,我發現它不是以鬱金香為特色,而是由其第二個擁有者,荷蘭伯爵和他的妻子所成功種植的大麗花。 下次我去那裡時,我會尋找這些花。

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